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Test and diagnose server instance for problems from command line on Windows, Linux, and macOS systems


mps-check host:port [--bearer-token bearer token] [--help|-h] [--timeout seconds] [--verbose|-v]


mps-check sends a request to a MATLAB® Production Server™ instance and receives a status report that you can use to identify issues that cause the product to run less than optimally.

Information reported by mps-check to stdout includes:

  • Status of the server instance

  • Port the HTTP interface is listening on

  • Deployed archives for a server instance

Input Arguments


Specify the host name of the machine running the server instance and the port number on which the server instance listens for requests.

--bearer-token bearer token

This argument is required if application access control is enabled on the server instance. To use this argument, the access control policy file must contain the following rule to allow specific users or user groups to execute the mps-check command.

    "id": "<rule_id>",
    "subject": { "users": ["<user_id>"] ,
                 "groups": ["<group_id>"] },
    "resource": { "ctf": ["mps_check*"] },
    "action": ["execute"]
If you do not add the rule, you get a 403 NotAuthorized error when the mps-check command tries to verify the installed MATLAB Runtime versions. For information on enabling access control and the access control policy file, see Application Access Control.

--help | -h

Display the list of options for using the mps-check command. Specifying the host name and port number is optional when you use this argument.

--timeout seconds

Specify the time in seconds to wait for a response from the server before timing out. The default is two minutes.

--verbose | -v

Display detailed system messages related to the server status report.


  • Display diagnostic information for the server instance running on port 9910 of the local computer.

    Type the follow at the system command prompt:

    mps-check localhost:9910
    Checking the MATLAB Runtime version 9.9.0 at C:\Program Files\MATLAB\
    Check completed successfully
  • Display diagnostic information for the server instance running on port 9910 of the local computer with the verbose option.

    Type the follow at the system command prompt:

    C:\tmp>mps-check -v localhost:9910
    -- Resolve the hostname
    -- Start the mps-check client
    -- Retrieving the list of installed MATLAB Runtimes from the MATLAB Production Server
    -- start timer 00:02:00
    -- Connecting to the peer server
    -- Conncted. Start receiving TCP data
    -- Send HTTP request
    -- Send TCP data
    -- TCP data sent succeeded
    -- HTTP request sent
    -- TCP data received
    -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    -- HTTP response completed
    -- Cancel timer
    -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Length: 126
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    -- Retrieving the MATLAB Runtime list succeeded
    -- Shutdown TCP client
    -- Socket closed
    Checking the MATLAB Runtime version 9.9.0 at C:\Program Files\MATLAB\
    -- start timer 00:02:00
    -- Connecting to the peer server
    -- Conncted. Start receiving TCP data
    -- Send HTTP request
    -- Send TCP data
    -- TCP data sent succeeded
    -- HTTP request sent
    -- TCP data received
    -- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    -- HTTP response completed
    -- Cancel timer
    -- Verify http response against the input
    -- Input = 25921
    -- Output = 161
    -- Verification succeeded
    Check completed successfully
    -- Shutdown TCP client
    -- Socket closed
    -- Terminated

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

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