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Delta Sigma Modulator

ADC based on delta-sigma modulator

Since R2021b

  • Delta-Sigma Modulator

Mixed-Signal Blockset / ADC / Building Blocks


The Delta Sigma Modulator block models an ADC based on delta-sigma modulator using four different sets of architectures.

  • Cascade of resonators with feedback (CIFB)

  • Cascade of integrators with feedback (CIFB)

  • Cascade of resonators with feed-forward (CIFF)

  • Cascade of integrators with feed-forward (CIFF)

You can model an DSM of orders from one to six. You can also use the block to design cascaded structures such as multistage noise shaping (MASH) and sturdy MASH (S-MASH). You can also model circuit based noise. You can plot the noise transfer function (NTF), signal transfer function (STF), and predict the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).



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Analog input signal, specified as a scalar.

Data Types: double

Reset signal for Delta Sigma Modulator block, specified as a scalar.

Data Types: double

Output from the next stage. Use this port to feed the output back into the block when modeling a multistage DSM. If there is no feedback from the next stage, connect this port to the ground.

Use this port to build cascaded DSM structures such as MASH and S-MASH.

Data Types: double


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Digital output signal, returned as a scalar.

Data Types: fixed point | single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean

The output of the loop filter inside the delta-sigma modulator, returned as a scalar.

Data Types: fixed point | single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean

The output of the quantizer inside the delta-sigma modulator, returned as a scalar. If you do not use this port, connect it to a terminator.

If you do not use the feedback port, quantOut and dsmOut ports have the same values.

Use this port to build cascaded DSM structures such as MASH and S-MASH.

Data Types: fixed point | single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean


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Architecture of the delta-sigma modulator, specified as:

  • CIFB — Cascade of feedback integrators

  • CRFB — Cascade of feedback resonators

  • CIFF — Cascade of feed-forward integrators

  • CRFF — Cascade of feed-forward resonators

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: dsmArchitecture
Type: character vector
Default: CIFB

Order of the delta-sigma modulator. You can choose between orders one to six.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: dsmOrder
Type: character vector
Values: 1st order | 2nd order | 3rd order | 4th order | 5th order | 6th order
Default: 2nd order

Input Parameters

Bandwidth of the delta-sigma modulator system, specified as a nonnegative real scalar.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: BandWidth
Type: character vector
Values: nonnegative real scalar
Default: 1000

Ratio of the delta-sigma modulator sampling rate to the Nyquist rate, specified as a nonnegative real scalar. A high oversampling ratio results in a relaxed anti-aliasing filter and reduced in-band quantization noise.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: OSR
Type: character vector
Values: nonnegative real scalar
Default: 64

Sampling frequency of the delta-sigma modulator. This read-only parameter is calculated from the System bandwidth and OSR parameters.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: SamplingFrequency
Type: character vector
Values: positive real scalar
Default: 128e3

Number of quantizer levels in the delta-sigma modulator, specified as a positive real integer.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: NumberLevels
Type: character vector
Values: positive real scalar
Default: 2

Range of the quantizer output in the delta-sigma modulator architecture, returned as a vector with real elements. This parameter is read-only.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: QuantizerOutput
Type: character vector
Values: real valued vector
Default: [-1;1]

Enable dynamic range scaling of coefficients. This prevents premature saturation of internal states.


When this parameter is enabled, Use custom coefficient values option is deselected.

Use custom values for coefficients 'a', 'g', 'b', and 'c'.


When this parameter is enabled, Enable dynamic range scaling option is deselected.

Feedback coefficients from the quantizer or feed-forward coefficients to the quantizer, specified as a vector with real elements.


To enable this parameter, select the Use custom coefficient values parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: a
Type: character vector
Values: real valued vector
Default: [0.1601 0.6515]

Resonator coefficients, specified as a vector with real elements.


To enable this parameter, select the Use custom coefficient values parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: g
Type: character vector
Values: real valued vector
Default: [0.0000]

Feed-in coefficients from the modulator input to each integrator, specified as a vector with real elements.


To enable this parameter, select the Use custom coefficient values parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: b
Type: character vector
Values: real valued vector
Default: [0.1601 0.6515 1.0000]

Integrator inter-stage coefficients, specified as a vector with real elements.


To enable this parameter, select the Use custom coefficient values parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: c
Type: character vector
Values: real valued vector
Default: [1.0000 1.0000]


Open loop gain of the internal op-amp, specified as a positive real scalar. This parameter is used in the analysis of the noise transfer function (NTF). Ideal NTF assumes that the op-amp gain is infinite.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: OLgain
Type: character vector
Values: positive real scalar
Default: Inf

Enable noise calculations in the delta-sigma modulator ADC.

Thermal noise density, specified in units of Vrms or dB/Hz.

When you specify the thermal noise in units of Vrms, the value of this parameter must be a nonnegative real scalar.


To enable this parameter, select the Enable Noise Impairment parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: thermalNoiseValue
Type: character vector
Values: real scalar
Default: 0.125

Reference noise to use for power calculations, specified as a positive real scalar in ohms.


To enable this parameter, select the Enable Noise Impairment parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: refResistance
Type: character vector
Values: positive real scalar
Default: 50

Corner frequency for flicker (1/f) noise, specified as a positive real scalar in Hz. At this frequency, the 1/f noise approximately equals the thermal noise.


To enable this parameter, select the Enable Noise Impairment parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: fcorner
Type: character vector
Values: positive real scalar
Default: 1000


Method that the block uses to optimize the zeros in the NTF:

  • 0 — Not optimized

  • 1 — Optimized

  • 2 — Optimized with at least one zero at the center of the band

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: ntfOptim
Type: character vector
Values: 0 | 1 | 2
Default: 2

Type of passband of the delta-sigma modulator.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: passbandType
Type: character vector
Values: Lowpass | Bandpass
Default: Lowpass

Center frequency of the modulator, specified as a scalar in the range [0 0.5]. For a lowpass filter, the center frequency is zero.


To enable this parameter, set the Modulator passband parameter to Bandpass.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: centerFrequency
Type: character vector
Values: scalar in the range [0 0.5]
Default: 0

Select this parameter to use custom values for H_inf. By default, this option is cleared.

Maximum out-of-band gain of the NTF.

Lee’s rule states that H_inf < 2 yields a stable modulator with a binary quantizer. Reducing H_inf increases the likelihood of success, but reduces the magnitude of the attenuation provided by the NTF and the theoretical resolution of the modulator.


To enable this parameter, select the Use custom value of H_inf parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block parameter: Hinf
Type: character vector
Values: positive real scalar
Default: 1.4


You need license to Control System Toolbox™ to use the parameters in the Advanced tab.


Select to plot the noise transfer function (NTF) when you generate analyzed plots.

Select to visualize the locations of the poles and zeros of the NTF when you generate analyzed plots.

Select to plot the signal transfer function (STF) when you generate analyzed plots.

Select to predict the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for binary modulators.

If the Quantizer levels is set to any other value than 2, this option is disabled.

Select to append new analysis plots to current figure.

Plot the selected analysis functions: NTF, STF, NTF pole zero plot, and predicted SNR.

Select to export the analyzed data to base workspace as a structure. The structure contains the NTF, STF, maximum SNR, and maximum stable amplitude (MSA).

To export the data, click the Generate analysis plots button.


You need a Control System Toolbox license to use the parameters in the Analysis tab.


The analysis results only include the effects of finite op-amp gain defined in the Integrator opamp gain parameter. The block ignores the effects of thermal noise while estimating the results in the Analysis tab.

More About

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[1] Delta Sigma Toolbox, Richard Schreier.

[2] Shanthi Pavan; Richard Schreier; Gabor C. Temes, Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, second edition, IEEE Press, 2017.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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