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Continuous function blocks such as Derivative and Integrator

Use blocks from the Continuous library to model differential equations. You can take the time derivative of a signal. You can integrate or delay a signal. You can model PID controllers and linear systems using transfer function or state-space representations.


DerivativeCompute approximate continuous derivative of continuous input signal with respect to time
Descriptor State-SpaceModel linear implicit system
Entity Transport DelayIntroduce a delay in propagation of a SimEvents message
First Order HoldImplement linearly extrapolated first order hold on input signal
IntegratorIntegrate signal
Integrator LimitedIntegrate signal
PID ControllerContinuous-time or discrete-time PID controller
PID Controller (2DOF)Continuous-time or discrete-time two-degree-of-freedom PID controller
Second-Order IntegratorSecond-order integration of input signal
Second-Order Integrator LimitedSecond-order integration of input signal
State-SpaceImplement linear state-space system
Transfer FcnModel linear system as transfer function
Transport DelayDelay input by given amount of time
Variable Time DelayDelay input by variable amount of time
Variable Transport DelayDelay input by variable amount of time
Zero-PoleModel system using zero-pole-gain transfer function


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