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Hardware I/O Devices

Model the connection between the IO devices on your board and your FPGA logic

Use these blocks to create models that simulate the connection between your SoC design and these IO devices.


AD936x ReceiverReceive data from AD936x-based Zynq radio hardware (Since R2024b)
AD936x TransmitterSend data to AD936x-based Zynq radio hardware (Since R2024b)
AD936x Data ReadRead data from AD936x-based Zynq radio hardware (Since R2024b)
AD936x Data WriteWrite data to AD936x-based Zynq radio hardware (Since R2024b)
HDMI RxConvert video stream to YCbCr 4:2:2 pixel stream
HDMI TxConvert YCbCr 4:2:2 pixel stream to video frame
RF Data ConverterProvide RF data path interface to hardware logic (Since R2020a)
ADC To VectorConvert concatenated 16-bit ADC input samples to vector outputs (Since R2020b)
Vector To DACConvert vector inputs to concatenated 16-bit DAC output samples (Since R2020b)
RFDC Bus CreatorConvert control signals into RF Data Converter real-time interface-compatible bus (Since R2022a)
RFDC Bus SelectorConvert RF Data Converter real-time interface-compatible bus into control signals (Since R2022a)
OTAVA DTRX2Integrate OTAVA DTRX2 mmWave radio card with ZCU208 board (Since R2023a)
Aurora 64B66BProvide high-speed serial communication using Xilinx Aurora interface (Since R2023a)


HDL IP ImporterImport HDL IP core into SoC model (Since R2023a)


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