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Classify training data using trained classifier


    label = resubPredict(Mdl) returns a vector of predicted class labels (label) for the trained classification model Mdl using the predictor data stored in Mdl.X.


    [label,Score] = resubPredict(Mdl) also returns classification scores.


    [label,Score] = resubPredict(Mdl,'IncludeInteractions',includeInteractions) specifies whether to include interaction terms in computations. This syntax applies only to generalized additive models.


    [label,Score,Cost] = resubPredict(Mdl) also returns the expected misclassification cost. This syntax applies only to k-nearest neighbor and naive Bayes models.



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    Load the fisheriris data set. Create X as a numeric matrix that contains four measurements for 150 irises. Create Y as a cell array of character vectors that contains the corresponding iris species.

    load fisheriris
    X = meas;
    Y = species;
    rng('default') % For reproducibility

    Train a naive Bayes classifier using the predictors X and class labels Y. A recommended practice is to specify the class names. fitcnb assumes that each predictor is conditionally and normally distributed.

    Mdl = fitcnb(X,Y,'ClassNames',{'setosa','versicolor','virginica'})
    Mdl = 
                  ResponseName: 'Y'
         CategoricalPredictors: []
                    ClassNames: {'setosa'  'versicolor'  'virginica'}
                ScoreTransform: 'none'
               NumObservations: 150
             DistributionNames: {'normal'  'normal'  'normal'  'normal'}
        DistributionParameters: {3x4 cell}

    Mdl is a trained ClassificationNaiveBayes classifier.

    Predict the training sample labels.

    label = resubPredict(Mdl);

    Display the results for a random set of 10 observations.

    idx = randsample(size(X,1),10);
    table(Y(idx),label(idx),'VariableNames', ...
        {'True Label','Predicted Label'})
    ans=10×2 table
          True Label      Predicted Label
        ______________    _______________
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' } 
        {'setosa'    }    {'setosa'    } 
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' } 
        {'versicolor'}    {'versicolor'} 
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' } 
        {'versicolor'}    {'versicolor'} 
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' } 
        {'setosa'    }    {'setosa'    } 
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' } 
        {'setosa'    }    {'setosa'    } 

    Create a confusion chart from the true labels Y and the predicted labels label.

    cm = confusionchart(Y,label);

    Figure contains an object of type ConfusionMatrixChart.

    Load the ionosphere data set. This data set has 34 predictors and 351 binary responses for radar returns, either bad ('b') or good ('g').

    load ionosphere

    Train a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Standardize the data and specify that 'g' is the positive class.

    SVMModel = fitcsvm(X,Y,'ClassNames',{'b','g'},'Standardize',true);

    SVMModel is a ClassificationSVM classifier.

    Fit the optimal score-to-posterior-probability transformation function.

    rng(1); % For reproducibility
    ScoreSVMModel = fitPosterior(SVMModel)
    ScoreSVMModel = 
                 ResponseName: 'Y'
        CategoricalPredictors: []
                   ClassNames: {'b'  'g'}
               ScoreTransform: '@(S)sigmoid(S,-9.482430e-01,-1.217774e-01)'
              NumObservations: 351
                        Alpha: [90x1 double]
                         Bias: -0.1342
             KernelParameters: [1x1 struct]
                           Mu: [0.8917 0 0.6413 0.0444 0.6011 0.1159 0.5501 0.1194 0.5118 0.1813 0.4762 0.1550 0.4008 0.0934 0.3442 0.0711 0.3819 -0.0036 0.3594 -0.0240 0.3367 0.0083 0.3625 -0.0574 0.3961 -0.0712 0.5416 -0.0695 0.3784 ... ] (1x34 double)
                        Sigma: [0.3112 0 0.4977 0.4414 0.5199 0.4608 0.4927 0.5207 0.5071 0.4839 0.5635 0.4948 0.6222 0.4949 0.6528 0.4584 0.6180 0.4968 0.6263 0.5191 0.6098 0.5182 0.6038 0.5275 0.5785 0.5085 0.5162 0.5500 0.5759 0.5080 ... ] (1x34 double)
               BoxConstraints: [351x1 double]
              ConvergenceInfo: [1x1 struct]
              IsSupportVector: [351x1 logical]
                       Solver: 'SMO'

    Because the classes are inseparable, the score transformation function (ScoreSVMModel.ScoreTransform) is the sigmoid function.

    Estimate scores and positive class posterior probabilities for the training data. Display the results for the first 10 observations.

    [label,scores] = resubPredict(SVMModel);
    [~,postProbs] = resubPredict(ScoreSVMModel);
    ans=10×4 table
        TrueLabel    PredictedLabel     Score     PosteriorProbability
        _________    ______________    _______    ____________________
          {'g'}          {'g'}          1.4862           0.82216      
          {'b'}          {'b'}         -1.0003           0.30433      
          {'g'}          {'g'}          1.8685           0.86917      
          {'b'}          {'b'}         -2.6457          0.084171      
          {'g'}          {'g'}          1.2807           0.79186      
          {'b'}          {'b'}         -1.4616           0.22025      
          {'g'}          {'g'}          2.1674           0.89816      
          {'b'}          {'b'}         -5.7085           0.00501      
          {'g'}          {'g'}          2.4798           0.92224      
          {'b'}          {'b'}         -2.7812          0.074781      

    Estimate the logit of posterior probabilities (classification scores) for training data using a classification generalized additive model (GAM) that contains both linear and interaction terms for predictors. Specify whether to include interaction terms when computing the classification scores.

    Load the ionosphere data set. This data set has 34 predictors and 351 binary responses for radar returns, either bad ('b') or good ('g').

    load ionosphere

    Train a GAM using the predictors X and class labels Y. A recommended practice is to specify the class names. Specify to include the 10 most important interaction terms.

    Mdl = fitcgam(X,Y,'ClassNames',{'b','g'},'Interactions',10)
    Mdl = 
                 ResponseName: 'Y'
        CategoricalPredictors: []
                   ClassNames: {'b'  'g'}
               ScoreTransform: 'logit'
                    Intercept: 3.2565
                 Interactions: [10x2 double]
              NumObservations: 351

    Mdl is a ClassificationGAM model object.

    Predict the labels using both linear and interaction terms, and then using only linear terms. To exclude interaction terms, specify 'IncludeInteractions',false. Estimate the logit of posterior probabilities by specifying the ScoreTransform property as 'none'.

    Mdl.ScoreTransform = 'none';
    [labels,scores] = resubPredict(Mdl);
    [labels_nointeraction,scores_nointeraction] = resubPredict(Mdl,'IncludeInteractions',false);

    Create a table containing the true labels, predicted labels, and scores. Display the first eight rows of the table.

    t = table(Y,labels,scores,labels_nointeraction,scores_nointeraction, ...
        'VariableNames',{'True Labels','Predicted Labels','Scores' ...
        'Predicted Labels Without Interactions','Scores Without Interactions'});
        True Labels    Predicted Labels          Scores          Predicted Labels Without Interactions    Scores Without Interactions
        ___________    ________________    __________________    _____________________________________    ___________________________
           {'g'}            {'g'}          -51.628     51.628                    {'g'}                        -47.676     47.676     
           {'b'}            {'b'}           37.433    -37.433                    {'b'}                         36.435    -36.435     
           {'g'}            {'g'}          -62.061     62.061                    {'g'}                        -58.357     58.357     
           {'b'}            {'b'}           37.666    -37.666                    {'b'}                         36.297    -36.297     
           {'g'}            {'g'}          -47.361     47.361                    {'g'}                        -43.373     43.373     
           {'b'}            {'b'}           106.48    -106.48                    {'b'}                         102.43    -102.43     
           {'g'}            {'g'}          -62.665     62.665                    {'g'}                        -58.377     58.377     
           {'b'}            {'b'}           201.46    -201.46                    {'b'}                         197.84    -197.84     

    The predicted labels for the training data X do not vary depending on the inclusion of interaction terms, but the estimated score values are different.

    Estimate in-sample posterior probabilities and misclassification costs using a naive Bayes classifier.

    Load the fisheriris data set. Create X as a numeric matrix that contains four measurements for 150 irises. Create Y as a cell array of character vectors that contains the corresponding iris species.

    load fisheriris
    X = meas;
    Y = species;
    rng('default') % For reproducibility

    Train a naive Bayes classifier using the predictors X and class labels Y. A recommended practice is to specify the class names. fitcnb assumes that each predictor is conditionally and normally distributed.

    Mdl = fitcnb(X,Y,'ClassNames',{'setosa','versicolor','virginica'});

    Mdl is a trained ClassificationNaiveBayes classifier.

    Estimate the posterior probabilities and expected misclassification costs for the training data.

    [label,Posterior,MisclassCost] = resubPredict(Mdl);
    ans = 3x1 cell
        {'setosa'    }
        {'virginica' }

    Display the results for 10 randomly selected observations.

    idx = randsample(size(X,1),10);
    table(Y(idx),label(idx),Posterior(idx,:),MisclassCost(idx,:),'VariableNames', ...
    ans=10×4 table
          TrueLabel       PredictedLabel              PosteriorProbability                       MisclassificationCost         
        ______________    ______________    _________________________________________    ______________________________________
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' }    6.2514e-269     1.1709e-09              1             1             1    1.1709e-09
        {'setosa'    }    {'setosa'    }              1     5.5339e-19      2.485e-25    5.5339e-19             1             1
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' }    7.4191e-249     1.4481e-10              1             1             1    1.4481e-10
        {'versicolor'}    {'versicolor'}     3.4472e-62        0.99997      3.362e-05             1     3.362e-05       0.99997
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' }    3.4268e-229      6.597e-09              1             1             1     6.597e-09
        {'versicolor'}    {'versicolor'}     6.0941e-77         0.9998     0.00019663             1    0.00019663        0.9998
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' }    1.3467e-167       0.002187        0.99781             1       0.99781      0.002187
        {'setosa'    }    {'setosa'    }              1     1.5776e-15     5.7172e-24    1.5776e-15             1             1
        {'virginica' }    {'virginica' }    2.0116e-232     2.6206e-10              1             1             1    2.6206e-10
        {'setosa'    }    {'setosa'    }              1     1.8085e-17     1.9639e-24    1.8085e-17             1             1

    The order of the columns of Posterior and MisclassCost corresponds to the order of the classes in Mdl.ClassNames.

    Input Arguments

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    Classification machine learning model, specified as a full classification model object, as given in the following table of supported models.

    ModelClassification Model Object
    Generalized additive modelClassificationGAM
    k-nearest neighbor modelClassificationKNN
    Naive Bayes modelClassificationNaiveBayes
    Neural network modelClassificationNeuralNetwork
    Support vector machine for one-class and binary classificationClassificationSVM

    Flag to include interaction terms of the model, specified as true or false. This argument is valid only for a generalized additive model (GAM). That is, you can specify this argument only when Mdl is ClassificationGAM.

    The default value is true if Mdl contains interaction terms. The value must be false if the model does not contain interaction terms.

    Data Types: logical

    Output Arguments

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    Predicted class labels, returned as a categorical or character array, logical or numeric vector, or cell array of character vectors.

    label has the same data type as the observed class labels that trained Mdl, and its length is equal to the number of observations in Mdl.X. (The software treats string arrays as cell arrays of character vectors.)

    Class scores, returned as a numeric matrix. Score has rows equal to the number of observations in Mdl.X and columns equal to the number of distinct classes in the training data (size(Mdl.ClassNames,1)).

    Expected misclassification costs, returned as a numeric matrix. This output applies only to k-nearest neighbor and naive Bayes models. That is, resubPredict returns Cost only when Mdl is ClassificationKNN or ClassificationNaiveBayes.

    Cost has rows equal to the number of observations in Mdl.X and columns equal to the number of distinct classes in the training data (size(Mdl.ClassNames,1)).

    Cost(j,k) is the expected misclassification cost of the observation in row j of Mdl.X predicted into class k (in class Mdl.ClassNames(k)).


    resubPredict computes predictions according to the corresponding predict function of the object (Mdl). For a model-specific description, see the predict function reference pages in the following table.

    ModelClassification Model Object (Mdl)predict Object Function
    Generalized additive modelClassificationGAMpredict
    k-nearest neighbor modelClassificationKNNpredict
    Naive Bayes modelClassificationNaiveBayespredict
    Neural network modelClassificationNeuralNetworkpredict
    Support vector machine for one-class and binary classificationClassificationSVMpredict

    Extended Capabilities

    Version History

    Introduced in R2012a

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