How do I program a callback on a UICONTROL?

36 views (last 30 days)
I want to present several graphs such that when I click a push button beside a graph, the next in the series appears.
I tried the following code, but the push button those not influence the running.
PushButton = uicontrol(gcf,'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Next',
'Position', [300 10 30 30], 'Callback', 'pause');
How should I do this?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 10 Feb 2011
More than what you asked for...
PushButton = uicontrol(gcf, 'Style', 'push', 'String', 'Next', ...
'Position', [300 10 30 30], ...
'CallBack', @GraphCreator, ...
'UserData', 0);
function GraphCreator(PushButton, EventData)
newiter = get(PushButton, 'UserData') + 1;
if newiter > N
wd = warndlg('Reached end of graphs. Push again to start over');
uiwait(wd, 30); %30 second timeout on warning
if ishandle(wd) %only true if timed out
set(PushButton, 'UserData', 0);
set(PushButton, 'UserData', newiter);
InputData = load(FileName{newiter});
fn = fieldnames(InputData);
thisdataname = fn{1};

More Answers (2)

Jan on 9 Feb 2011
Try this at first:
PushButton = uicontrol(gcf,'Style', 'pushbutton', ...
'String', 'Next', ...
'Position', [300 10 30 30], ...
'Callback', @yourCallback);
function yourCallback(ObjH, EventData)
% ObjH is the button handle
FigH = ancestor(ObjH, 'figure'); % or: gcbf
set(FigH, 'Color', rand);
Then insert something more useful in the callback function. BTW: Searching in the documentation is always a good point to start from:
docsearch callback
K VdB on 24 Oct 2016
When I run the script noga cohen gave it says:
''All functions in a script must be closed with an 'end'.
When I close the script with an end it says:
''Function definitions are not permitted in this context.''
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Oct 2016
Only R2016b and later permit function definitions inside a .m file that does not start with the word "function" or "classdef" .
Anyhow: store the function inside GraphCreator.m and have the assignment to PushButton in a different routine.

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Doug Hull
Doug Hull on 9 Feb 2011
You need to make a function that will update your graph. Once you have done that, set the callback of the button to that function.
What you have now, when you click the button, the pause button is run. This should not do much of anything to help you.


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