Open App-Window on same screen as Button in another app was clicked

8 views (last 30 days)
I am working with two monitors. When I start my app it opens on Monitor 1. Then I move it by hand to Monitor 2 an click on a App-Button to open another App-Window. This Window again opens on the Monitor 1.
Is there a possibility to move the second App-Window on Monitor 2? I would like the App to always open on the Monitor on which I am working.

Accepted Answer

Harald on 13 Nov 2023
Hi Nico,
there is a default Position property that you can modify. For the purpose of this property, MATLAB treats two monitors as one wide monitor: if the first entry is greater than the horizontal number of pixels, then the figure is on monitor 2.
At least if both monitors have same resolution, the following will move a figure to the sample place on monitor 2:
s = get(0,'screensize');
w = s(3);
f = figure;
f.Position(1) = f.Position(1) + w;
I suppose you need to check the Position of your app window to know on what screen it is, and then adjust the Position of app 2 accordingly if needed.
Best wishes,
Nico on 16 Nov 2023
Thank you for your help! I solved it by getting the position of the left-bottom corner of the calling-app with the button. Then I moved my new object to this position and after this I centered it.
% Move window to left-bottom corner of Plotting-App to be on
% the same monitor
app.UIFigure.Position(1) = app.Plotting.callingPosition(1);
app.UIFigure.Position(2) = app.Plotting.callingPosition(2);
% Move window to the center of the monitor
movegui(app.UIFigure, 'center')
Harald on 16 Nov 2023
Nice approach, thanks for sharing! ... and good to see that movegui is smart enough to move to the center of the current screen. :)

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