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surface & colormap with "thermometer" map
Hi, you could start with the base colors and have MATLAB interpolate in between: cm = [255, 0, 0; 255, 255, 255; 0, 0, 255]; ...

23 days ago | 0

How do I create a time-dependant variable from a table ?
Hi, if your Excel spreadsheet is formatted as required, then the From Spreadsheet block will be the most convenient: https://w...

24 days ago | 1

iscellstr warning "To support string in addition to cellstr, include a call to 'isstring'" unavoidable?
Hi, you can suppress this Code Analyzer warning in all files by right-clicking it and selecting "Suppress Message..." > In all ...

27 days ago | 0

Why is exportgraphics not fully supported in Matlab for Desktop?
Hi, from what I can tell, the requested feature is available in the desktop version when using "New Desktop" in R2024b ( https:...

2 months ago | 0

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2D or 3D from CST to matlab
Hi, for 2D, I would recommend using polarplot: polarplot(data(:,1), data(:,3)) If you want to separate by Phi, you can use lo...

3 months ago | 0

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Matlab 2024a stürzt direkt nach Start ab
Hallo, das ist eine sehr spezielle Frage. Bitte den Installation Support kontaktieren und dabei auch das Betriebssystem angeb...

5 months ago | 0

Performance interactive plot GUI
Hi, it would be great if you can share some of your code, possibly with dummy data. Instead of interactive zooming with linked...

5 months ago | 0

Simulink matrix multiplication error when passing matrix to model
Hi, if DCM is 3x3, I'd expect the signal dimensions to indicate that. However, it shows 9, so I'd think that this is really a v...

5 months ago | 0

Object-Oriented Programming Onramp, Creating Custom Classes, Adding Functionality, Methodenaufruf
Hallo, damit man sieht, in welchem Teil genau du bist (chapter / section / lesson), bitte den Teil verlinken, um den es geht. ...

5 months ago | 0

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Verbindung besteht im Workspace soll aber bei erneutem Start gelöscht werden
Hallo Eric, ein Problem könnte darin bestehen, dass verschiedene Callbacks ausgeführt werden oder ein Callback mehrfach, und da...

5 months ago | 0

SysIdent Compare: Plot only selected outputs
Hi, my experience with System Identification Toolbox is admittedly limited. From the documentation, I would try to pass a comp...

5 months ago | 0

Transferring data (many decimals) from Matlab to excel
Hi Camilla, instead of interactive copy-pasting, I would consider commands like writetable or writematrix. This may also help y...

6 months ago | 0

Könnt ihr meine Lösungen zu 2 MATLAB-Prüfungsaufgaben (Plot-Anpassung, bedingte Anweisung) überprüfen? Sie wurden als falsch bewertet, aber ich halte sie für korrekt.
Hallo, generell würde ich sagen, dass deine Codes korrekt sind, es aber teils schönere Lösungen gibt. hold off würde ich immer...

6 months ago | 0

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Making use of figure numbers is discouraged – what are your workarounds?
Hi Andres, I typically return the handle to the figure if I want to reuse it. If you have a lot of figures, you could create a ...

6 months ago | 0

Add-on Installation behind firewall
Hi, that's a very specific question. Please consider contacting our Installation Support team:

6 months ago | 0

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Install MATLAB through MS Intune
Hi, that's a very specific question. Please consider contacting our Installation Support team:

6 months ago | 1

parfeval with background pool fails when using Java classes
Hi Jan, for functionality to work in a background pool, it needs to be explicitly supported. For more information, please see h...

6 months ago | 0

Textscan doesn't work on big files?
Hi Oscar, please attach a sample data file (1 MB will be plenty) so that we can reproduce any issues. What problem do you enco...

6 months ago | 0

wie erzeugt man eine verschachtelte Struktur
Hallo, statt durchnumerierter Variablen würde ich eher ein Struct Array verwenden: p(1)=struct('x',1,'y',1,'nn',{{}}) p(2)=st...

6 months ago | 0

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Error of 'Value' must be a double scalar within the range of 'Limits' and Error using -. Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation.
Hi, I am surprised that you report three errors. Are these the result of a single action or possibly of several different actio...

6 months ago | 0

Kann man eine Referenz auf die Instanz einer Datenstruktur erstellen?
Hallo Lisa, eine Übersicht, wie MATLAB unnötige Kopien von Daten vermeidet und was du als Anwenderin dazu beitragen kannst, fin...

6 months ago | 0

Warum wird "0x0 empty struct array with fields:" ausgegeben?
Hallo Lisa, du erreichst das gewünschte mit p01 = struct('name','p01','x',1,'y',6,'U',{{}}) Dass dein Code nicht das gleiche ...

6 months ago | 0

Wo kann ich die kostenlose Lizenz erwerben?
Hallo, kostenlose Testlizenzen für 30 Tage gibt es hier: Viele Grüße, ...

6 months ago | 0

Solving ODE system with a constraint/boundary condition
Hi, if I look at it correctly, your function basically returns ddz(1) = x; ddz(2) = -x; ddz(3) = 6*x; with some very compli...

7 months ago | 0

parse error and Directory error for class definition
Hi, how are you trying to run the code? Clicking the "run" button does not make sense, you need to call the constructor, e.g. ...

7 months ago | 0

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How to write all cells of structure in excel sheet ?
Hi, you need to either extract the data you need to write or convert it to a format that allows writing everything in one go. F...

7 months ago | 1

Beim Erstellen Matrix (s. u.) werden die Elemente aus unerklärlichen Gründen vertausendfacht.
Hallo, das mag zwar ungewöhnlich aussehen, aber stimmt schon so: du hast den Vorfaktor von 10^3 = 1000 und dafür alle Werte dur...

7 months ago | 1

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Warning: Unable to display symbolic object because 'symengine' was reset. Repeat commands to regenerate result.
Hi, this seems to be due to a bug in R2024a which is fixed with the Update 1 release that is expected to become available to al...

7 months ago | 0

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Avoid: 'Warning: Unable to display symbolic object because 'symengine' was reset. Repeat commands..'' in R2024a in repeated execution of simple scripts with symbolic commands
Hi, this seems to be due to a bug in R2024a which is fixed with the Update 1 release that is expected to become available to al...

7 months ago | 1

Draw a straight line from the center (0,0) 25 degrees in the coordinate system
Hi, I suppose you are fine calculating start and end points of each line? plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2]) will draw a line from (x1,...

7 months ago | 0

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