how to set y-axis as log scale?
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I am plotting x-y plot using plot function. I want to set only y-axis as log scale and x-axis as linear? How to do that? I used loglog function but it scales both axis but I want only Y.
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 22 Sep 2023
Edited: MathWorks Support Team
on 22 Sep 2023
The best way to create that type of axes is to use the semilogy function. Alternatively, you can set the ‘YScale’ property on the axes:
set(gca, 'YScale', 'log')
***Update from Mathworks Support Team - September 2023***
As of R2023b, you can also use the 'yscale ' function.
Mr Thadi
on 4 Jul 2024
Thank you Mr walter,
i have attached one image,
in that my data file having values from 100 to 14000.
if i plot histogram without x axis set properties it showing like figure 'A', in that bins starts from 0-300,300-600...etc like that.
but if i use set (gca,'xscale','log') command to the x scale it showing initial bin from 300-600, can see in figure 'B'
my question is what about values in between 0-300 from figure 'B' , why these are not appearing how to solve it,if i want to get xscale in log values histogram initial bin from 0-300,300-600...etc are needed to change properties in that to command?can you please explain me
i can provide my data file also to you
Adam Danz
on 12 Jul 2024
This issue arises because the first bin edge is at x=0 and log(0)=-inf which cannot be represented graphically.
Assuming there are no data less than or equal to 0 and no bin edges less than 0, you could set the first bin edge according to the smallest value in the data.
x = rand(1,1000)*10000;
minPositiveValue = min(x(x>0),[],'all');
minbin = 10^floor(log10(minPositiveValue));
ax = axes();
h = histogram(ax, x);
ax.XScale = 'log';
if h.BinEdges(1) == 0
h.BinEdges(1) = minbin;
More Answers (2)
Rohit Sinha
on 27 Apr 2022
The easiest way to do this is simply use the following command instead of plot
This will plot x axis on a linear scale and y axis on a log scale. Similarly, if you want to plot x axis on log scale and y axis on a linear scale, you can use
semilogx(x,y) ;
Nicholas Santiago
on 4 Nov 2022
yo i totally missed that I generally only read the bold stuff, thanks a ton!
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