- defaultm - https://www.mathworks.com/help/map/ref/defaultm.html#mw_011abd96-70d8-47c7-9716-a528f2d553cc
- Summary and Guide to Projections - https://www.mathworks.com/help/map/summary-and-guide-to-projections.html?searchHighlight=universal%20polar%20stereographic&s_tid=srchtitle_support_results_4_universal%20polar%20stereographic
Latitude, Longitude (degrees) to UTM and UPS projections
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I need a function to convert latitude, longitude to UTM and UPS systems and convert them back to latitude and logitude. Please let me know if someone has developed it already. :)
Answers (1)
on 6 Nov 2024
Hi SK,
To convert latitude and longitude to the UTM or UPS coordinate system, you can utilize the Mapping Toolbox in MATLAB.
Below is an example code that demonstrates this process:
% Create a map projection structure for a UPS/UTM projection
mstruct = defaultm("ups");
% Specify map limits and a reference ellipsoid for the map projection structure.
% Populate additional fields of the structure based on the map limits using the defaultm function again.
mstruct.maplonlimit = [-150 -30];
mstruct.geoid = referenceEllipsoid("grs80", "kilometers");
mstruct = defaultm(mstruct);
% Load coastline data and trim it to the specified map limits.
% Project the latitude and longitude coordinates using the projfwd function and the map projection structure.
load coastlines
[lat, lon] = maptriml(coastlat, coastlon, mstruct.maplatlimit, mstruct.maplonlimit);
[x, y] = projfwd(mstruct, lat, lon);
% Display the projected coordinates on a Cartesian plot.
plot(x, y)
axis equal
For more details, please refer to the following MathWorks documentation:
Hope this helps!
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