SelectionHighlight of line always appears on 'top'?
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I have several graphics objects that include line objects and I use 'Selected' as well as 'SelectionHighlight' to visualize user-selected objects. Unfortunately, the markers of the SelectionHighlight always appear on top of all other graphics objects and therefore render the 'UIContextMenu' of overlaying graphics objects obsolete. If there a option to control in which position (uistack doesn't work) the SelctionHighlight appears?
Some code:
ax = axes;
l1 = line([0 1:0.01:2 3],[1 ones(1,101) 3],'color','b');
l2 = line([0 1:0.01:2 3],[0 ones(1,101) 1],'color','r');
c = uicontextmenu;
m = uimenu(c,'Label','red');
l2.UIContextMenu = c;
t = text(1.5,1,'test','Fontsize',20,'Backgroundcolor','r');
ct = uicontextmenu;
mt = uimenu(ct,'Label','text');
t.UIContextMenu = ct;
The UIContextMenu for the red line or the text is not accessible if SelectionHighlight is 'on' even though both graphics objects are 'in front' of the blue line.
Thanks, Felix
Answers (1)
Saurabh Gupta
on 15 Feb 2017
(1) uistack is designed for changing the "visual stacking order of UI objects", whereas line and text are not UI objects.
(2) The issue is that you have set the line 'l1' as 'Selected', which makes it appear on top of its siblings. I think you should perform toggling of the Selected and SelectionHighlight properties in suitable callback functions for more refined interactive control.
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