how can i create a delay block(like in simulink) with matlab code

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I do a FFT project, the data go in and delay for some clock to wait the next data and caculate butterfly. Example if i delay 8 clock then simulink generate 8 register(dff) and shift them every clock, and i want do that in matlab code to generate HDL code. Some one can help me? Thank you!

Answers (2)

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali on 15 Aug 2017
Edited: Walter Roberson on 31 May 2021
delay in MATLAB can be modeled using persistent variable.
function y = fcn(u) % Unit delay implementation that maps to a register in hardware
persistent u_d;
if isempty(u_d)
% defines initial value driven by unit delay at time step 0
u_d = cast(0, 'like', u);
% return delayed input from last sample time hit
y = u_d;
% store the current input
u_d = u;
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Conner Garcia
Conner Garcia on 31 May 2021
this hasnt worked, the outputs are different. the link you sent i think there is an error when converting from Uint to a Fi object.

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Gareth Thomas
Gareth Thomas on 14 Aug 2017
Have you tried the pause command?
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Tien Pham
Tien Pham on 14 Aug 2017
No, it is register when i generate HDL code. I do a FFT project, the data go in and delay for some clock to wait the next data and caculate butterfly. If i delay 8 clock then simulink generate 8 register and shift them every clock, and i want do that in matlab code to generate HDL code. Sorry my English is weak, thank you!

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