How to determine the dimensions of output signal from a Simulink block programmatically?

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Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 23 Feb 2018
To determine the dimension of output signal from a Simulink block programmatically, please follow these steps:
1. Get the port handles of the required Simulink block. To do this, you can use the "Port Handles" Parameter.
For example:
Handles = get_param('test/Add', 'PortHandles');
This will return a struct. You can isolate Outport handles by accessing it like this :
OutHandles = Handles.Outport
2. You can now use the "CompiledPortDimensions" on the corresponding handle to get the dimensions.
For example: 
Dimensions = get_param(Outport, 'CompiledPortDimensions');

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