plot 2 different time data on the same axis in same graph
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Abhijit Sardar
on 29 Jan 2021
Commented: Abhijit Sardar
on 30 Jan 2021
I have 2 dataset to plot both wrt to time axis in the same plot but time data is different for both the data. on yaxis 1 I want DATA1(line) on yaxis 2 i want DATA2(buuble markers) how can i do so. I am attaching the data file
Accepted Answer
J. Alex Lee
on 30 Jan 2021
Edited: J. Alex Lee
on 30 Jan 2021
To overcome the merged legend issue, you can create an empty plot to make the legend entry
T = readtable('TIMEDATA.txt');
fig = gcf;
ax(1) = axes(fig,'NextPlot','add');
ax(2) = axes(fig,'NextPlot','add',...
Colors = lines(2);
for i = 1:2
ax(i).XColor = Colors(i,:);
ax(i).YColor = Colors(i,:);
h(1) = plot(ax(1), T.TIME1, T.DATA1, 'Displayname', 'DATA1','Color',Colors(1,:));
h(2) = plot(ax(1), nan, nan, 'Displayname', 'DATA2','Color',Colors(2,:));
% either manually set the other plot in the other axes to be the same
% h2copy = plot(ax(2),T.TIME2, T.DATA2,'Displayname','DATA2','Color',Colors(2,:));
% or do it this way if you want to keep things synced without needing to track your changes
h2copy = copyobj(h(2),ax(2));
h2copy.XData = T.TIME2;
h2copy.YData = T.DATA2;
legend(ax(1),h, 'Location', 'northwest')
% compute axes positions in a kind of naive way if you want to label the axes
pos = reshape([ax.Position],4,2)'
AxPos = [max(pos(:,1),[],1),max(pos(:,2),[],1),min(pos(:,3:4),[],1)]

More Answers (2)
Walter Roberson
on 29 Jan 2021
T = readtable('TIMEDATA.txt');
yyaxis right
plot(T.TIME2, T.DATA2, 'Displayname', 'DATA2')
yyaxis left
plot(T.TIME1, T.DATA1, 'Displayname', 'DATA1')
legend show
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 29 Jan 2021
You might notice that is not very useful. The reason is that you used a single x axes even though the x values are fairly different.
T = readtable('TIMEDATA.txt');
fig = gcf;
ax1 = axes(fig);
h(1) = line(ax1, T.TIME1, T.DATA1, 'Displayname', 'DATA1', 'color', 'k');
legend(h(1), 'Location', 'northwest')
ax1_pos = ax1.Position; % position of first axes
ax2 = axes('Position',ax1_pos,...
h(2) = line(T.TIME2, T.DATA2, 'parent', ax2, 'Displayname', 'DATA2', 'color', 'b');
legend(h(2), 'Location', 'northeast')
Unfortunately in order to get the axes in the right location, it becomes a challenge to get a merged legend.
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