Why does MATLAB crash at startup with the error "Cannot locate com/mathwo​rks/jmi/Op​aqueJavaIn​terface class"?

571 views (last 30 days)
When I start MATLAB, I receive a "Fatal Error On Startup" window that says:
Cannot locate com/mathworks/jmi/OpaqueJavaInterface class
When I click the OK button, the window disappears and MATLAB does not start.

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 6 Jan 2025
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 6 Jan 2025
There are multiple reasons for this error, most commonly it indicates that the post installation configuration failed during the initial installation of MATLAB. In order to work around this issue you can attempt to manually run the post installation tasks by following the instructions contained in the following support answer:
Alternatively, if that does not resolve the error, it may also occur if you have set a MATLAB_JAVA environment variable for a previous version of MATLAB. If this variable is set, you will need to unset it in order to run MATLAB. For more information on MATLAB_JAVA, see one of the following articles:
This error can also be caused by a java.opts file on the MATLAB path. If you are using Windows and you have checked your path for java.opts files, but you are still receiving this error, make sure the "Start in" field in your shortcut is set to a directory that doesn't contain a java.opts file.
If MATLAB_JAVA is not set and java.opts is not present, then your MATLAB installation may be corrupt.
MATLAB to repair your MATLAB installation. An installation of a different release of MATLAB may also work.
Kouichi C. Nakamura
Kouichi C. Nakamura on 28 Nov 2021
Edited: Kouichi C. Nakamura on 28 Nov 2021
I'm getting the same error
Cannot locate or initialize class com/mathworks/jmi/OpaqueJavaInterface.
on macOS 12.0.1. The link mentioned above:
is about how to change JVM. But it is not kind enough tell how to unset. Also, it says:
> This article applies only to MATLAB launched from a shell window or modified shortcut as both of these methods set-up the MATLAB_JAVA variable. Clicking on the regular MATLAB icon will not use the new Java.
My root problem is that I cannot lanch MATLAB by clicking. While investigating this issue, I found an article about launching MATLAB from Terminal, and I received the error above.
Can you elaborate a bit more what I should do next?
Kouichi C. Nakamura
Kouichi C. Nakamura on 19 Dec 2021
Following the guide below, I tried Regenerate Preferences, and Start MATLAB from the Installation Folder with no avail. I deleted MATLAB and reinstalled it, and it launched eventually.

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