Problem 931. Rubik's Mini-Cube: Solve Randomized Mini-Cube - Score : Moves
The Challenge is to Solve a thoroughly scrambled Mini-Rubik's Cube(2x2x2).
The Performance metric is average number of moves for solving 500 cubes.
A standard Mini-Rubik's Cube is shown in 3-D and also unfolded to identify the specific Tile-face/Vector numbering.
The faces are White-Up / Red-Left / Blue-Front / Orange-Right / Yellow-Down / Green-Back (ULFRDB)
Moves are denoted as F for clockwise rotation of the Front face. F'(or FP) is CCW and F2 is F twice. The provided function r_new=rubick_rot_mini(mov,r) implements moves 1-18: UFDLBRU'F'D'L'B'R'U2F2D2L2B2R2.

Input: (rubik)
rubik: row vector of size 24 (The cube started [L=0,U=1,F=2,D=3,B=4,R=5] and then receives forty face moves.
Output: move_vec (Numeric of moves to solve) move_vec:values 1:27 for UFDLBR U'F'D'L'B'R' U2F2D2L2B2R2 XYZX'Y'Z'X2Y2Z2
- Example:
- If the cube was randomized by [1 9] UD', one solution is [3 7] which are the complements in reverse order.
- Scoring is average face moves for 500 cubes
- Cube Moves X, Y, and Z do not constitute a move but are needed in the vector
- A string to numeric value function is provided in the template
- Verifications will be by executing your move vector against the provided Rubik and counting number of face moves.
The function rubik_rot_mini(mov,r) is provided in the template.
The Function Template Contains a 3D Cube Viewer and the first step in solving is at the bottom in a comment block.
- Cube Theory: 20-moves Any Cube
- General Cube Info and Middle Layer
- SpeedCube Bottom Sequences (Note: Mini-Cube can use the full cube moves and ignore edge effects)
Coming Soon: The Mini-Cube (2x2x2): Full Random - Eleven or Less Moves
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