Find number patterns in rows of a matrix... - MATLAB Cody - MATLAB Central

Problem 1740. Find number patterns in rows of a matrix...


So I think this may be a hard one, may be it was only hard for me! So here is what it is, I will give a matrix, with some number of rows by 5 columns, to make it simpler I will not repeat any number in a single row, so all numbers in a single rows are unique. So you need to find up to 2, 3 or 4 numbers that are found in a single row that repeat in other rows and the amount of times they repeat in a given matrix. To make it a little better, you only need to display the rows/numbers that repeat at lease twice or more. Examples are the best way to show what to do:

          %p is the given matrix
          p = [1 2 3 4 5;
               2 3 4 5 1;
               3 4 6 7 8;
               1 2 4 3 5;
               4 6 3 2 1];
          %v is the amount of elements per row that are being checked to see if they repeat in another row
          v = 4;
        out =
             1     2     3     4     4
             1     2     3     5     3
             1     2     4     5     3
             1     3     4     5     3
             2     3     4     5     3
      %So the first to the fourth column are the four number that were found to repeat in rows of matrix p (any and all combination that can appear in the rows of the matrix p). The fifth column is the amount of times the that particular set of matrix out(?,1:4) appear in matrix p. for for row one in matrix out, 1,2,3 and 4 in any combination appear 4 time in the rows of matrix p.
      So more examples...
      p = [1 2 3 4 9;
           2 3 1 4 8]
      v = 4;
      out =
           1     2     3     4     2
    %so any combination of 1,2,3 and 4 appear 2 times in matrix p
    and another:
    p = [1 2 3 4 9;
         2 3 1 4 8;
         3 4 2 7 1]
    v = 3;
    out =
         1     2     3     3
         1     2     4     3
         1     3     4     3
         2     3     4     3
    %so this uses any combo of 3 values, so in this case out(?,1:3) are the number combos that can be found in matrix p, and the out(?,4) is the amount of times that those combos are found
    last example:
    p = [1 2 3 4 9;
         2 3 1 4 8]
    v = 2;
    out =
         1     2     2
         1     3     2
         1     4     2
         2     3     2
         2     4     2
         3     4     2
    %so in this case only combos of out(?,1:2) are found and out(?,3) is the amounts of times that combo of out(?,1:2) is found in matrix p. so row four of matrix out (so out(4,:)...) shows that the combo of 2 and 3 are found 2 times in matrix p.

NOTE: only display any row number combos that occur at least 2 times or more!

I hope I gave enough instructions and explanation, if not please let me know and I will add to it! Thanks and good luck!

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56.52% Correct | 43.48% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Oct 07, 2023

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