How do I create an offset buffer around an alphaShape?
Hey Eric, You can try converting the alphaShape to a polygon using the 'alphaTriangulation' function and then use the 'polybuff...

6 months ago | 0

lemke howson algorithm result
Hi Qian, It seems that you are experiencing some issues with the Lemke-Howson algorithm when trying to compute all three equili...

6 months ago | 0

problem with trained model/unit delay
Hi, Algebraic loops in Simulink occur when an output of a block or a set of blocks is required to compute its own input without...

7 months ago | 0

Neural Network with custom performance function
Hi EngM, In the Deep Learning Toolbox, if the built-in performance metrics like Mean Squared Error (MSE) do not meet your speci...

7 months ago | 0

After performing integration on negative value the response is not decaying. Could you provide why it is happening?
Hi Komal, The function may not decay for negative values because integration is an accumulation process. When integrating a neg...

7 months ago | 0

Building small CAN-Communication System with two Arduino Mega 2560 and MCP2515
Hi Lorenz, When working with hardware like the Arduino Mega 2560 and the MCP2515 CAN bus module, there are several points you n...

7 months ago | 0

Unable to generate .dll file of simulink model to be used in amesim using the command sl2amecosim
Hello Ahmed, The error message you are encountering indicates that the compiler cannot find the 'ASU_sf.h' header file, which i...

7 months ago | 0

Contour plot of Landau energy density
Hello Hexe, To obtain a contour plot with the states of polarization, you can use the 'contour' function in MATLAB. This functi...

7 months ago | 0

Why does eeg data have a lots of rows while the class denoting rows is only less number
Hi Fathima. To relate the large number of rows in your dataset (604803) with the 120 rows for training the classifier, you can ...

7 months ago | 0

How to plot summation 0 to inf for ((gamma(n+1.54)*gamma(n+1))/factorial (n)) * KummerU (n+1.54, k, ((k*m)/snr))*((incomplete gamma(n+2,13.36/2)/gamma(n+2))) for various snr?
Hello Aakanksha, To plot the summation for the given expression, you can use a for-loop to calculate the value for each snr and...

7 months ago | 0

Kalman Filter/Discrete System/kalmf - R and Q do not seem to influence the Performance of the Kalman Filter
Hi Benjamin, The process noise covariance Q and the sensor noise covariance R are values greater than zero that you typically o...

7 months ago | 0

Is there any way to change the rcs Signature of Boeing737 aircraft to some other aerial vehicle?
Hi Harsh, To create an rcsSignature, you can use the 'rcssignature' function in MATLAB. This function takes in the radar cross ...

7 months ago | 0

How can I improve the accuracy of classification of real-time time series data?
Hi Jiwon, I understand you want to improve the accuracy of classification of real-time time series data. One way to improve the...

7 months ago | 0

Computing Hessian by dlgradient
Hi Mahsa, To compute the Hessian using dlgradient, you can use the same approach as for computing gradients. However, instead o...

7 months ago | 0

Transmission-Reception using USRPs(B210s) with 5G NR Waveform Synchronization failing
Hi Tafseer, I understand that you are experiencing synchronization issues between your transmitter and receiver in your 5G envi...

7 months ago | 0

Apply Machine Learning in wireless communication?
Hi Kasun, You can generate a BPSK sample data set in MATLAB using the randi function. Here's an example code snippet to generat...

8 months ago | 1

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How to Find MSE and PSNR ?
Hi Akbar, The error message you are getting suggests that there is a type mismatch between the citra_Prepro and citra_Process v...

8 months ago | 0

how to find MSE and PSNR of an image
Hello Nouf, Yes, the immse function can be used to calculate the mean squared error (MSE) between two images in MATLAB. The com...

8 months ago | 0

Calling a machine learning model on simulink
Hi Meriem, I understand that you want to call a machine learning model in Simulink that you trained in MATLAB. To do this you c...

8 months ago | 0

How does MATLAB compute p-values for Anderson Darling Test for the weibull distribution?
Hello Sasan, The Anderson-Darling (AD) test is a statistical test used to determine whether a given sample of data comes from a...

8 months ago | 0

I am using conformal array and the output of the pattern is giving me "OUT OF MEMEORY"
Hello Farha, It seems like you are trying to generate a phased array pattern using the "pattern" function in MATLAB. The error ...

8 months ago | 0

Unphysical oscillation at Fourier transform of spatial weighting function.
Hello Taesoo, I understand that the above code is giving non-physical oscillations near the origin position in the Fourier tran...

8 months ago | 0

quasi-Newton method with initial Hessian + preconditioning
Hi Jan V, For solving nonlinear optimization problems, you can use the 'fminunc' function from the Optimization Toolbox in MATL...

8 months ago | 0

Shooting Algorithm - Neoclassical growth model
Hello Mari, I understand that the code you provided is attempting to find the optimal initial consumption value for a neoclassi...

8 months ago | 0

Adaptive Incremental conductance algorithm
Hey Mujeeb, I understand that you have implemented an adaptive incremental conductance algorithm for maximum power point tracki...

8 months ago | 0

Function filter and tolerance for the forecast uncertainty threshold
Hi Zym, The filter function in MATLAB's System Identification Toolbox uses a Kalman filter to estimate the state of a dynamic s...

8 months ago | 0

Remove unwanted small and connected regions in the image
Hey Mary, Since you have provided a binary image in the problem, I understand you want a workaround to find and count connected...

8 months ago | 0

how to construct a gaussian process kernel in 2D
Hi Mono, For a 2D input case, you can define a kernel function that takes two inputs and returns a scalar value. One possible w...

8 months ago | 1

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Find corners obstacles in BinaryOccupancymap
Hi Andrea, I am assuming you are using MATLAB R2017b or a later version. I understand you want to extract the edges of a polysh...

8 months ago | 0

matlab is disconnecting and shows to restart again
Hi Akshay, It seems you are experiencing connectivity issues with MATLAB Online, which is causing your session to restart. This...

8 months ago | 0

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