Downloads FAQ - MATLAB & Simulink

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. During my trial, what is the best way to learn MATLAB?

    MATLAB Onramp is a free two-hour, self-paced, interactive course that allows new users to learn how to use MATLAB effectively. With MATLAB Onramp users gain confidence, become comfortable with the MATLAB environment, and gain the basic skills needed to use MATLAB.

    If you need more in-depth MATLAB training, MathWorks offers additional self-paced training courses, including specialized application areas such as financial applications and data processing and visualization, as well as in-depth MATLAB programming.

  2. I'm a professor – can I obtain a trial of MATLAB for student use or use MATLAB in my class?

    Yes to both questions. MATLAB is used extensively in educational settings throughout the world.

    Check first if your school already offers a Campus-Wide License for student and faculty use. If not, both you and your students can get a free trial of MATLAB to use for 30 days. To learn MATLAB, use the free MATLAB Onramp course.

    For your class, you can use MATLAB Grader to create and auto-grade MATLAB coding assignments. As the instructor, you must have a MathWorks license on Software Maintenance Service.

    Contact your MathWorks Account manager to get started.

  3. How do I extend my trial period on a product?

    The trial period is 30 days. To request an extension of your trial, contact Sales.

  4. Can I evaluate the same product on multiple platform/OS combinations?

    Yes. You can trial products on all supported platform/OS combinations.