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Tracker based on target and sensor specifications

Since R2024b


    tracker = multiSensorTargetTracker(targetSpecs,sensorSpecs,algorithm) creates a multi-object tracker System object™ based on the algorithm specified in algorithm. The tracker tracks targets specified by targetSpecs with sensors specified by sensorSpecs. The tracker selects appropriate detectability, clutter, birth, measurement, and inverse-measurement models based on sensor descriptions. It also selects state and state transition models based on target descriptions



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    Create a JIPDA tracker to track helicopters and general aviation aircraft with a monostatic radar.

    Define and Configure Target Specifications

    Create a helicopter specification and a general aviation aircraft specification.

    heliSpec = trackerTargetSpec("aerospace","aircraft","helicopter");
    gaSpec = trackerTargetSpec("aerospace","aircraft","general-aviation");

    Configure the target specifications.

    heliSpec.MaxHorizontalSpeed = 60;
    gaSpec. MaxVerticalAcceleration = 3.5; 

    Define and Configure Sensor Specifications

    Create a monostatic radar specification.

    radarSpec = trackerSensorSpec("aerospace","radar","monostatic");

    Configure the sensor specification.

    radarSpec.PlatformPosition= [1500 200 35];
    radarSpec.PlatformPosition = [1500 200 35];

    Use the target and sensor specifications to create a JIPDAtracker object.

    tracker = multiSensorTargetTracker({heliSpec,gaSpec},{radarSpec},"jipda")
    tracker = 
      fusion.tracker.JIPDATracker with properties:
                    TargetSpecifications: {[1x1 Helicopter]  [1x1 GeneralAviation]}
                    SensorSpecifications: {[1x1 AerospaceMonostaticRadar]}
                  MaxMahalanobisDistance: 5
        ConfirmationExistenceProbability: 0.9000
            DeletionExistenceProbability: 0.1000

    Input Arguments

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    Target specifications, specified as a target specification object or a cell array of target specification objects. You can use the trackerTargetSpec function to generate target specification objects.

    Sensor specifications, specified as a sensor specification object or a cell array of sensor specification objects. You can use the trackerSensorSpec function to generate sensor specification objects.

    Data association algorithm, specified as "jipda" for joint integrated probabilistic data association tracker. Currently, the multiSensorTargetTracker function supports only the "jipda" algorithm.

    Example: "jipda"

    Output Arguments

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    Multi-target multi-sensor tracker, returned as a System object based on the algorithm specified in algorithm. Currently, the multiSensorTargetTracker function supports only the JIPDAtracker tracker.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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