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Sensor specification for multi-target multi-sensor specification-based tracker

Since R2024b


    spec = trackerSensorSpec(domain,category,subcategory) creates a sensor specification based on the input application. You can use tab-completion at each input argument to view the available applications. This hierarchy shows the list of pre-built sensor specifications available in the toolbox.



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    Create a specification for a camera mounted on an ego vehicle.

    cameraSpec = trackerSensorSpec("automotive","camera","bounding-boxes")
    cameraSpec = 
      AutomotiveCameraBoxes with properties:
                   ReferenceFrame: 'ego'                 
               MaxNumMeasurements: 64                    
                 MountingLocation: [0 0 0]         m     
                   MountingAngles: [0 1 0]         deg   
                  EgoOriginHeight: 0.3             m     
                       Intrinsics: [3⨯3 double]          
                        ImageSize: [480 640]       pixels
                         MaxRange: 100             m     
                   CenterAccuracy: 10              pixels
                   HeightAccuracy: 10              pixels
                    WidthAccuracy: 10              pixels
             DetectionProbability: 0.9                   
        NumFalsePositivesPerImage: 0.01                  
            NumNewTargetsPerImage: 0.01                  

    Configure the camera specification based on your application. In this example, the camera of interest is mounted at [3.7920 0 1.1] meters with respect to the ego vehicle origin and is pointing downward with a pitch angle of 1 degree. The resolution of the camera is 640 pixels in width and 480 pixels in height. Its intrinsics matrix is [800 0 320; 0 600 240; 0 0 1] and the maximum range is 80 meters. The height of the ego vehicle frame origin with respect to ground is 0.4 meters.

    cameraSpec.MountingLocation = [3.7920 0 1.1];
    cameraSpec.MountingAngles = [0 1 0];
    cameraSpec.ImageSize = [480 640];
    cameraSpec.Intrinsics = [800         0        320
                               0       600        240
                               0         0         1];
    cameraSpec.MaxRange = 80;
    cameraSpec.EgoOriginHeight = 0.4;

    You can use the camera specification as an input to the multiSensorTargetTracker function along with your target specifications to create a JIPDAtracker.

    carSpec = trackerTargetSpec("automotive","car","highway-driving");
    tracker = multiSensorTargetTracker(carSpec,cameraSpec,"jipda")
    tracker = 
      fusion.tracker.JIPDATracker with properties:
                    TargetSpecifications: {[1x1 HighwayCar]}
                    SensorSpecifications: {[1x1 AutomotiveCameraBoxes]}
                  MaxMahalanobisDistance: 5
        ConfirmationExistenceProbability: 0.9000
            DeletionExistenceProbability: 0.1000

    Use the dataFormat function to determine the format of inputs required by the tracker.

    The camera requires bounding boxes in the image space.

    cameraData = dataFormat(cameraSpec)
    cameraData = struct with fields:
               Time: 0
        BoundingBox: [4x64 double]

    Input Arguments

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    Sensor domain, specified as "aerospace" or "automotive".

    Sensor category, specified as one of these:

    • "radar" or "infrared" if the domain is "aerospace"

    • "radar", "camera" or "lidar" if the domain is "automotive"

    Sensor subcategory, specified as one of these:

    • "monostatic" or "direction-finder" if the domain is "aerospace" and category is "radar"

    • "angle-only" if the domain is "aerospace" and category is "infrared"

    • "clustered-points" if the domain is "automotive" and category is "radar"

    • "bounding-boxes" if the domain is "automotive" and category is "camera" or "lidar"

    Output Arguments

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    Sensor specification, returned as one of the objects in this table based on the input arguments.

    Input ArgumentsTarget Specification Object

    You can use this sensor specification object to define a tracker using the multiSensorTargetTracker function. You can use the dataFormat function on the spec object to determine the data format required by the tracker.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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