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Target specification for multi-target multi-sensor task-oriented tracker

Since R2024b


    spec = trackerTargetSpec(domain,category,subcategory) creates a target specification based on the application specified by domain, category, and subcategory. You can use tab-completion at each input argument to view the available applications. This hierarchy shows the list of pre-built target specifications available in the toolbox.



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    Create a specification for trucks driving on the highway.

    truckSpec = trackerTargetSpec("automotive","truck","highway-driving")
    truckSpec = 
      HighwayTruck with properties:
            ReferenceFrame: 'ego'              
                  MaxSpeed: 40           m/s   
           MaxAcceleration: 3            m/s²  
                MaxYawRate: 4            deg/s 
        MaxYawAcceleration: 10           deg/s²
                 YawLimits: [-10 10]     deg   
              LengthLimits: [16 22]      m     
               WidthLimits: [2 2.6]      m     
              HeightLimits: [3.5 4.2]    m     

    Configure the truck specification based on your application. The trucks of interest have a maximum speed of 80 mph and a maximum turn-rate of 3.5 degrees per second.

    truckSpec.MaxSpeed = 80*0.44704; % m/s
    truckSpec.MaxYawRate = 3.5; % deg/s

    You can use the truck specification as an input to the multiSensorTargetTracker function along with your sensor specifications to create a JIPDAtracker that tracks trucks driving on the highway.

    cameraSpec = trackerSensorSpec("automotive","camera","bounding-boxes");
    cameraSpec.MountingLocation = [3.7920 0 1.1];
    tracker = multiSensorTargetTracker(truckSpec,cameraSpec,"jipda")
    tracker = 
      fusion.tracker.JIPDATracker with properties:
                    TargetSpecifications: {[1x1 HighwayTruck]}
                    SensorSpecifications: {[1x1 AutomotiveCameraBoxes]}
                  MaxMahalanobisDistance: 5
        ConfirmationExistenceProbability: 0.9000
            DeletionExistenceProbability: 0.1000

    Input Arguments

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    Target domain, specified as "aerospace" or "automotive".

    Target category, specified as one of these:

    • "aircraft" if the domain is "aerospace"

    • "car" or "truck" if the domain is "automotive"

    Target subcategory, specified as one of these:

    • "general-aviation", "helicopter", or "passenger" if the category is "aircraft"

    • "highway-driving" if the category is "car" or "truck"

    Output Arguments

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    Target specification, returned as one of the objects in this table based on the input arguments.

    Input ArgumentsTarget Specification Object

    You can use this target specification object to define a tracker using the multiSensorTargetTracker function. You can use the hasTrackerInput function on the spec object to determine if trackers initialized with this spec require additional input for update. Then, you can use the dataFormat function on the spec object to determine the data format required by the tracker.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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