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Open Distribution Fitter app


This page contains programmatic syntax information for the Distribution Fitter app. For general usage information, see Distribution Fitter.

distributionFitter opens the Distribution Fitter app, or brings focus to the app if it is already open.

distributionFitter(y) opens the Distribution Fitter app populated with the data specified by the vector y.


distributionFitter(y,cens) uses the vector cens to specify whether each observation in y is censored.


distributionFitter(y,cens,freq) uses the vector freq to specify the frequency of each element of y.

distributionFitter(y,cens,freq,dsname) creates a data set with the name dsname, using the data vector, y, censoring indicator, cens, and frequency vector, freq.


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Load the carsmall sample data.

load carsmall

Open the Distribution Fitter app using the MPG miles per gallon data.


The Distribution Fitter app opens, populated with the MPG data, and displays the density (PDF) plot. You can use the app to display different plots and fit distributions to this data.

Load the sample data.

load lightbulb.mat

The first column of the data contains the lifetime (in hours) of two types of light bulbs. The second column contains information about the type of light bulb. 1 indicates fluorescent bulbs, and 0 indicates the incandescent bulb. The third column contains censoring information. 1 indicates censored data, and 0 indicates the exact failure time. This is simulated data.

Open the Distribution Fitter app using the first column of lightbulb as the input data, and the third column as the censoring data. Name the data lifetime.


To open the Data dialog box, click Data. In the Manage data sets pane, click to highlight the lifetime data set row. Finally, to open the View Data Set dialog box, click View. The lifetime data appears in the second column and the corresponding censoring indicator appears in the third column.


Input Arguments

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Input data, specified as an array of scalar values or a variable representing an array of such values.

Data Types: single | double

Censoring indicator, specified as a vector of 0 and 1 values. The length of cens must be equal to the length of y. If y(j) is censored, then (cens(j)==1). If y(j) is not censored, then (cens(j)==0). If cens is omitted or empty, then no y values are censored.

If you have frequency data (freq) but not censoring data (cens), then you must specify empty brackets ([]) for cens.

Data Types: single | double

Frequency data, specified as a vector of scalar values. The length of freq must be equal to the length of y. If freq is omitted or empty, then all y values have a frequency of 1.

If you have frequency data (freq) but not censoring data (cens), then you must specify empty brackets ([]) for cens.

Data Types: single | double

Data set name, specified as a character vector enclosed in single quotes or a string scalar enclosed in double quotes.

If you want to specify a data set name, but do not have censoring data (cens) or frequency data (freq), then you must specify empty brackets ([]) for both freq and cens.

Example: 'MyData'

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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