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Receive 802.11a/b/g/j/p waveforms

Model 802.11a/b/g/j/p-related signal reception functionality.


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wlanPacketDetectEstimate timing offset of OFDM packet using L-STF
wlanFormatDetectDetect packet format
wlanSymbolTimingEstimateFine symbol timing estimate using L-LTF
wlanCoarseCFOEstimatePerform coarse CFO estimation
wlanFineCFOEstimatePerform fine CFO estimation
wlanSampleRateNominal sample rate
wlanLLTFChannelEstimateChannel estimation using L-LTF
wlanLLTFNoiseEstimateNoise estimation using L-LTF or S1G-LTF1 (Since R2023a)
wlanLLTFDemodulateDemodulate L-LTF waveform
wlanNonHTOFDMDemodulateDemodulate fields of non-HT OFDM waveform (Since R2020b)
wlanNonHTOFDMInfoOFDM information for non-HT transmission
wlanFieldIndicesPPDU field indices
wlanLSIGBitRecoverRecover information bits in L-SIG field
wlanLSIGRecoverRecover L-SIG information bits
wlanInterpretScramblerStateRecover bandwidth signaling from initial scrambler state (Since R2020b)
wlanNonHTDataBitRecoverRecover PSDU from non-HT Data field (Since R2020b)
wlanNonHTDataRecoverRecover non-HT Data
wlanScrambleScramble and descramble binary input sequence
wlanConstellationDemapConstellation demapping
wlanStreamDeparseStream-deparse spatial streams
wlanBCCDecodeBCC-decode input data
wlanBCCDeinterleaveDeinterleave BCC-interleaved input
wlanAMPDUDeaggregateDeaggregate A-MPDU and extract MPDUs
wlanMPDUDecodeDecode MPDU
displayIEsDisplay list of IEs in MAC management frame

See Also


Transmit 802.11a/b/g/j/p signals

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