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Determine whether tracker needs additional input for target specification

Since R2024b


    tf = hasTrackerInput(targetSpec) returns a logical value of 1 (true) if a tracker initialized with targetSpec requires additional target specification as input to update. The function returns a logical value of 0 (false) otherwise.



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    Create target specification objects and determine whether a tracker initialized with each of these objects requires additional input.

    helicopterSpec = trackerTargetSpec("aerospace","aircraft","helicopter");
    tfHelicopterSpec = hasTrackerInput(helicopterSpec)
    tfHelicopterSpec = logical
    truckSpec = trackerTargetSpec("automotive","truck","highway-driving");
    truckSpec.ReferenceFrame = "global";
    tfTruckSpec = hasTrackerInput(truckSpec)
    tfTruckSpec = logical
    carSpec = trackerTargetSpec("automotive","car","highway-driving");
    tfCarSpec = hasTrackerInput(carSpec)
    tfCarSpec = logical

    If the return is true, you can use the dataFormat function on the target specification object to determine the data format required by the tracker.

    ans = struct with fields:
                             Time: 0
        EgoPositionalDisplacement: [0 0 0]
        EgoRotationalDisplacement: [0 0 0]

    Input Arguments

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    Target specification, specified as a target specification object. You can use the trackerTargetSpec function to generate target specification objects.

    Output Arguments

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    Logical value indicating whether a tracker initialized with targetSpec requires additional target specification input to update. See the dataFormat function for information on how to provide additional input to the tracker.


    Currently, hasTrackerInput only returns true for the HighwayTruck and HighwayCar objects with their ReferenceFrame property set to "ego".

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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