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Create a coupled single-ended or differential transmission line in strip form

Since R2024b


    Use the stripLineCustom object to create edge-coupled striplines located within the layers of multi-layer PCBs. Striplines are high speed transmission lines used for routing various RF components in the inner layers of a multi-layer printed circuit board (PCB). The structure consists of a transmission line trace surrounded by dielectric material sandwiched between two ground planes.



    custstrip = stripLineCustom creates a default coupled form of single-ended or differential transmission line. The default pcb substrate isTeflon with a thickness of 0.0016 meters. The resulting dimensions are for a default resonant frequency of 2.5 GHz.


    custstrip = stripLineCustom(name=value) sets Propertiesusing one or more name-value arguments. For example custstrip = stripLineCustom(TraceWidth=0.004) creates a custom stripline with a trace width of 0.004 meters. Properties not specified retain their default values.



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    Trace type specified as either 'Single' or 'Differential'.

    Example: custstrip = stripLineCustom(TraceType='Differential')

    Data Types: char

    Trace length specified in meters.

    Example: custstrip = stripLineCustom(TraceLength=0.026)

    Data Types: double

    Trace width specified in meters.

    Example: custstrip = stripLineCustom(TraceWidth=0.0049)

    Data Types: double

    Trace spacing, when the trace type is differential, specified in meters.

    Example: custline = stripLineCustom(TraceSpacing=0.0051)

    Data Types: double

    Reference trace offset, along the X-axis, specified in meters.

    Example: custline = stripLineCustom(TraceOffsetX=0.005)

    Data Types: double

    The height from the ground plane to the stripline trace, specified in meters.

    Example: custline = stripLineCustom(Height=0.0040)

    Data Types: double

    Length of the ground plane specified in meters.

    Example: custstrip = stripLineCustom(GroundPlaneLength=0.063)

    Data Types: double

    The gap between left-coupled traces specified in meters. If left-coupled traces are not required this property should be set to 0.

    Example: custline = stripLineCustom(LeftCoupledTraceGap=0.005)

    Data Types: double

    The gap between right-coupled traces specified in meters. If right-coupled traces are not required this property should be set to 0.

    Example: custline = stripLineCustom(RightCoupledTraceGap=0.005)

    Data Types: double

    Type of dielectric material used as a substrate, specified as a dielectric object.

    Example: d = dielectric('FR4'); custline = stripLineCustom(Substrate=d)

    Data Types: string | char

    Type of metal used for the conducting layers, specified as a metal object.

    Example: m = metal('copper'); custline = stripLineCustom(Conductor=m)

    Data Types: char | string

    Object Functions

    showDisplay PCB component structure or PCB shape
    sparametersCalculate S-parameters for RF PCB objects
    meshChange and view mesh properties of metal or dielectric in PCB component
    currentCalculate and plot current distribution
    chargeCalculate and plot charge distribution
    feedCurrentCalculate current at feed port
    layoutPlot all metal layers and board shape
    shapesExtract all metal layer shapes of PCB component
    designDesign a custom transmission line in stripline form around a specified frequency
    rlgcCompute resistances, inductances, conductances, and capacitances
    propagationDelayCompute propagation delay of transmission line
    getZEvenCalculate even mode impedance of differential PCB transmission line
    getZOddCalculate odd mode impedance of differential PCB transmission line
    dgsCreate defected ground structure of PCB element


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    This example shows the creation and visualization of default custom stripline object

    Create the stripline

    Create the object

    custline = stripLineCustom
    custline = 
      stripLineCustom with properties:
                   TraceType: 'Single'
                 TraceLength: 0.0271
                  TraceWidth: 0.0051
                TraceOffsetX: 0
                      Height: 0.0030
           GroundPlaneLength: 0.0600
         LeftCoupledTraceGap: 0.0046
        RightCoupledTraceGap: 0.0046
                   Substrate: [1x1 dielectric]
                   Conductor: [1x1 metal]

    Visualize the stripline

    Use the show function and layout function to visualize the stripline


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title stripLineCustom element, xlabel x (mm), ylabel y (mm) contains 12 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed, Teflon.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title stripLineCustom Layout, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 11 objects of type line, text. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Board Shape, Layer1, Layer3, Layer5, Feed.

    This example shows the creation and visualization of a differential stripline with two pairs of right-coupled lines.

    Create Stripline

    Set the appropriate stripline properties of the stripline object.

    diffline = stripLineCustom(TraceType="Differential",TraceWidth=0.002,RightCoupledTraceGap=[0.003,0.003],LeftCoupledTraceGap=0)
    diffline = 
      stripLineCustom with properties:
                   TraceType: 'Differential'
                 TraceLength: 0.0271
                  TraceWidth: 0.0020
                TraceSpacing: 0.0046
                TraceOffsetX: 0
                      Height: 0.0030
           GroundPlaneLength: 0.0600
         LeftCoupledTraceGap: 0
        RightCoupledTraceGap: [0.0030 0.0030]
                   Substrate: [1x1 dielectric]
                   Conductor: [1x1 metal]

    Visualize Stripline

    Use the show and layout functions to visualize the stripline.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title stripLineCustom element, xlabel x (mm), ylabel y (mm) contains 18 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed, Teflon.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title stripLineCustom Layout, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 11 objects of type line, text. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Board Shape, Layer1, Layer3, Layer5, Feed.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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