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Piecewise linear, exponential, or tabulated diode

  • Diode block

Simscape / Electrical / Semiconductors & Converters


The Diode block can represent either a piecewise linear diode, an exponential diode, or a diode with tabulated I-V curve. Use the Fidelity level parameter to select the level of detail in the dynamics model.

Piecewise Linear Diode

The piecewise linear diode model is the same model as the Simscape™ > Foundation Library > Electrical > Electrical Elements > Diode block, with the addition of a fixed junction capacitance and optional charge dynamics. If the diode forward voltage exceeds the value specified in the Forward voltage parameter, the diode behaves as a linear resistor with the resistance specified in the On resistance parameter. Otherwise, the diode behaves as a linear resistor with the small conductance specified in the Off conductance parameter. Zero voltage across the diode results in zero current flowing.

For more information about the Diode block in the Simscape Foundation library, see Diode.

Exponential Diode

The exponential diode model represents the following relationship between the diode current I and the diode voltage V:

I=IS(eqVNkTm11) V>BVI=IS(eq(V+Vz)kTm1eqVNkTm1) VBV


  • q is the elementary charge on an electron (1.602176e–19 coulombs).

  • k is the Boltzmann constant (1.3806503e–23 J/K).

  • BV is the Reverse breakdown voltage parameter value.

  • N is the emission coefficient.

  • IS is the saturation current.

  • Tm1 is the temperature at which the diode parameters are specified, as defined by the Measurement temperature parameter value.

When (qV / NkTm1) > 80, the block replaces eqVNkTm1 with (qV / NkTm1 – 79)e80, which matches the gradient of the diode current at (qV / NkTm1) = 80 and extrapolates linearly. When (qV / NkTm1) < –79, the block replaces eqVNkTm1 with (qV / NkTm1 + 80)e–79, which also matches the gradient and extrapolates linearly. Typical electrical circuits do not reach these extreme values. The block provides this linear extrapolation to help convergence when solving for the constraints during simulation.

When you select Use parameters IS and N for the Parameterization parameter, you specify the diode in terms of the Saturation current IS and Emission coefficient N parameters. When you select Use two I-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter, you specify two voltage and current measurement points on the diode I-V curve and the block derives the IS and N values. The block then calculates IS and N as follows:

  • N=((V1V2)/Vt)/(log(I1)log(I2))

  • IS=(I1/(exp(V1/(NVt))1)+I2/(exp(V2/(NVt))1))/2


  • Vt = kTm1 / q.

  • V1 and V2 are the values in the Voltages [V1 V2] vector.

  • I1 and I2 are the values in the Currents [I1 I2] vector.

When you select Use an I-V data point and IS for the Parameterization parameter, then the block calculates N as follows:


When you select Use an I-V data point and N for the Parameterization parameter, then the block calculates IS as follows:


Tabulated Diode

To model a tabulated diode, set the Diode model parameter to Tabulated I-V curve. This figure shows the implementation of the tabulated diode option:

If you select the Model Zener Diode parameter, you can also model the tabulated reverse I-V characteristics. (since R2024a)

If you do not select the Model Zener Diode parameter, the block models the reverse characteristics by using the Off conductance parameter:

  • If the voltage is less than -1 V, the block models the I-V relationship with a constant off-state conductance equal to the value of the Off conductance parameter. The value you specify must be less than the gradient of the forward I-V curve for small positive voltages.

  • If the voltage is between -1 V and 0 V, the block uses makima interpolation so that the I-V curves for forward and reverse bias overlap smoothly.

The block uses makima interpolation to find intermediate values. If the voltage or current exceed the tabulated data range, the block uses linear extrapolation after the last voltage-current data point.

Junction Capacitance

The Diode block models the junction capacitance only if you set the Fidelity level parameter to Include capacitance and charge dynamics. To include a junction capacitance:

  • Select Include fixed or zero junction capacitance for the Parameterization parameter. The capacitance is fixed.

  • Select Use parameters CJO, VJ, M & FC for the Parameterization parameter. The block uses the coefficients CJO, VJ, M, and FC to calculate a junction capacitance that depends on the junction voltage.

  • Select Use C-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter. The block uses three capacitance values on the C-V capacitance curve to estimate CJO, VJ, and M and uses these values with the specified value of FC to calculate a junction capacitance that depends on the junction voltage. The block calculates CJO, VJ, and M as follows:

    • CJ0=C1((VR2VR1)/(VR2VR1(C2/C1)1/M))M

    • VJ=(VR2(C1/C2)1/M+VR1)/(1(C1/C2)1/M)

    • M=log(C3/C2)/log(VR2/VR3)


    • VR1, VR2, and VR3 are the values in the Reverse bias voltages [VR1 VR2 VR3] vector.

    • C1, C2, and C3 are the values in the Corresponding capacitances [C1 C2 C3] vector.

    The reverse bias voltages (defined as positive values) should satisfy VR3 > VR2 > VR1. This means that the capacitances should satisfy C1 > C2 > C3 as reverse bias widens the depletion region and hence reduces capacitance. Violating these inequalities results in an error. Voltages VR2 and VR3 should be well away from the Junction potential VJ. Voltage VR1 should be less than the Junction potential VJ, with a typical value for VR1 being 0.1 V.

The voltage-dependent junction capacitance is defined in terms of the charge of junction capacitance Qj as:

  • For V < FC·VJ:


  • For VFC·VJ:



  • F1=(VJ/(1M))(1(1FC)1M))

  • F2=(1FC)1+M))

  • F3=1FC(1+M)

  • V is the junction capacitance voltage.

These equations are the same as used in [2], except that the temperature dependence of VJ and FC is not modeled.

Charge Dynamics

The Diode block models the charge dynamics only if you set the Fidelity level parameter to Include capacitance and charge dynamics. For applications such as commutation diodes it can be important to model diode charge dynamics. When a forward-biased diode has a reverse voltage applied across it, it takes time for the charge to dissipate and hence for the diode to turn off. The time taken for the diode to turn off is captured primarily by the transit time parameter. Once the diode is off, any remaining charge then dissipates, the rate at which this happens being determined by the carrier lifetime.

The Diode block uses the model of Lauritzen and Ma [3] to capture these effects. These are the defining equations.


  • i is the diode current.

  • qE is the junction charge.

  • qM is the total stored charge.

  • TM is the transit time.

  • τ is the carrier lifetime.

  • vD is the voltage across the diode.

  • vF is the diode forward voltage.

  • R is the diode on resistance.

  • G is the diode off conductance.

This graphic shows a typical reverse-mode current characteristic for a diode device.


  • iRM is the peak reverse current.

  • iF is the starting forward current when measuring iRM.

  • a is the rate of change of current when measuring iRM.

  • trr is the reverse recovery time.

Data sheets for diodes quote values for peak reverse current for an initial forward current and a steady rate of change of current. The data sheet might also provide values for reverse recovery time and total recovery charge.

How the Block Calculates TM and Tau

The block calculates transit time TM and carrier lifetime τ based on the values you enter for the Charge Dynamics parameters. The block uses TM and τ to solve the charge dynamics equations 1, 2, and 3.

During initial current drop in reverse mode, the diode is still on, and the rate of change of current is determined by an external test circuit.

First, the block uses equation 1 to perform this calculation.


Then, it substitutes equation 4 into equation 2.


Then, it solves equation 5 for qM,

where k is a constant.

When t is zero, i = iF and qM = τiF because the system is in steady state.

Substituting these relationships into equation 6 and solving the equation gives k = 2.


At time t = ts, the current is iRM and the junction charge qE is zero.

The block substitutes these values into equation 1.

The block rearranges equation 8 to solve for qM and substitutes the result into equation 7.

Then, the block expresses time ts in terms of iRM, iF, and a.


Consider the diode recovery, that is, when t > ts. The diode is reverse biased, and current and junction charge are effectively zero.

The current is defined by this equation.




The block now relates the expression in equation 12 to the reverse recovery time trr.

When t=iFa+trr, the current is iRM10.



The block uses equations 9 and 14 to calculate values for TM and τ. The calculation uses an iterative scheme because of the exponential term in Equation 9.

Alternatives to Specifying trr Directly

In addition to allowing you to specify reverse recovery time trr directly, the block supports three alternative parameterizations. The block can derive trr from either of these parameters:

  • Reverse recovery time stretch factor λ

  • Reverse recovery charge Qrr, when the data sheet specifies this value instead of the reverse recovery time.

  • Reverse recovery energy Erec, when the data sheet specifies this value instead of the reverse recovery time.

The relationship between reverse recovery time stretch factor λ and trr is expressed by the equation


Reverse recovery time must be greater than iRMa and a typical value is 3(iRMa).

Therefore, a typical value for λ is 3. λ must be greater than 1.

Reverse recovery charge Qrr is the integral over time of the reverse current from the point where the current goes negative until it decays back to zero.

The initial charge, to time ts (as shown in the figure), is expressed by this equation:


Integrating equation 11 gives the charge between times ts and inf. This charge is equal to


Therefore, total reverse recovery charge is given by this equation:


Rearranging equation 16 to solve for τrr and substituting the result into equation 14 gives an equation that expresses trr in terms of Qrr:


Alternatively, the block calculates τrr by using the reverse recovery energy, Erec. This equation defines the diode voltage curve:

where vRM=vRiRM(RLτrr) is the maximum diode reverse voltage.

If LτrrR, which is a common condition for the reverse recovery test circuit, the block calculates the maximum diode reverse voltage as:


Since the drop time value is small, the block assumes that the diode current drop is linear:


Then, it substitutes equation 18 into equation 5:


To obtain the total stored charge, it solves equation 19 :

where didt is the gradient of the current.

When t=t1=iRMiFdidt, the peak reverse current is:


The block now substitutes equation 21 into equation 20:


Finally, the block solves equation 22 to obtain the reverse recovery energy:


Charge dynamics with faults

When the device is faulted, the Diode block calculates the junction charge as



  • idiode is the diode current without the charge model.

  • qE is the junction charge.

  • TM is the transit time.

  • τ is the carrier lifetime.

This equation then defines the value of the diode current:



  • i is the diode current.

  • qM is the total stored charge.

  • Qscale is the current value of the charge ratio.

Temperature Dependence

The default behavior for the Diode block is that dependence on temperature is not modeled, and the device is simulated at the temperature for which you provide block parameters. The exponential diode model contains several options for modeling the dependence of the diode current-voltage relationship on temperature during simulation. Temperature dependence of the junction capacitance is not modeled because it has a much smaller effect.

When including temperature dependence, the diode defining equation remains the same. The measurement temperature value, Tm1, is replaced with the simulation temperature, Ts. The saturation current, IS, becomes a function of temperature according to the following equation:



  • Tm1 is the temperature at which the diode parameters are specified, as defined by the Measurement temperature parameter value.

  • Ts is the simulation temperature.

  • ISTm1 is the saturation current at measurement temperature.

  • ISTs is the saturation current at simulation temperature. This is the saturation current value used in the standard diode equation when temperature dependence is modeled.

  • EG is the energy gap for the semiconductor type measured in joules(J). The value for silicon is usually taken to be 1.11 eV, where 1 eV is 1.602e-19.

  • XTI is the saturation current temperature exponent. This is usually set to 3.0 for pn-junction diodes, and 2.0 for Schottky barrier diodes.

  • N is the emission coefficient.

  • k is the Boltzmann constant (1.3806503e–23 J/K).

Appropriate values for XTI and EG depend on the type of diode and the semiconductor material used. Default values for particular material types and diode types capture approximate behavior with temperature. The block provides default values for common types of diode.

In practice, the values of XTI and EG need tuning to model the exact behavior of a particular diode. Some manufacturers quote these tuned values in a SPICE Netlist, and you can read off the appropriate values. Otherwise, you can determine improved estimates for EG by using a datasheet-defined current-voltage data point at a higher temperature. The block provides a parameterization option for this. It also gives the option of specifying the saturation current at a higher temperature ISTm2 directly.

You can also tune the values of XTI and EG yourself, to match lab data for your particular device. You can use Simulink® Design Optimization™ software to help tune the values for XTI and EG.


Device temperature behavior is also dependent on the emission coefficient. An inappropriate value for the emission coefficient can give incorrect temperature dependence, because saturation current is a function of the ratio of EG to N.

If defining a finite reverse breakdown voltage (BV), then the value of the reverse BV is modulated by the reverse breakdown temperature coefficient TCV (specified using the Reverse breakdown voltage temperature coefficient, dBV/dT parameter):

BVTs = BVTm1TCV· (TsTm1)(24)

Ideal Switching

You can use the ideal switching option with these ideal switching semiconductor blocks:

You can model the diode in these blocks internally, or you can model the diode externally using a separate Diode block.

To enable the ideal switching option, set the Fidelity level parameter to Ideal Switching.

This figure shows the voltage and current of the diode in a switching regime inside a half-bridge.

Reverse recovery loss is one of the main sources of thermal loss in diodes. The diode dissipates energy every time it turns off, from its conducting state to the open-circuit state.

With ideal switching, the block does not use a physics-based charge model. The block represents the losses that the charge creates during reverse recovery as an instantaneous loss.

The block applies reverse recovery losses by stepping up the junction temperature with a value equal to the reverse recovery loss divided by the total thermal mass at the junction.

If you set the Reverse recovery loss model parameter to Tabulated loss, the value of the Reverse recovery loss table, Erec(Tj, If) parameter specifies the dissipated energy as a function of the junction temperature and the forward current just before the switching event. The off-state voltage linearly scales the losses relative to the Turn-off voltage when measuring recovery loss, Vrec parameter value. The table uses delayed values for the current and voltage. To use a value in the lookup table that is close to the instantaneous value, set the Filter time constant for voltage and current values parameter to a value that is lower than the fastest switching period.

If you set the Reverse recovery loss model parameter to Fixed loss, the value of the Reverse recovery loss parameter specifies the energy dissipated during each turn-off event. If you select the Scale reverse recovery loss with current and voltage parameter, then the block scales this loss value linearly by the on-state current and the off-state voltage. To use scaling values that are close to the instantaneous values, set Filter time constant for voltage and current values to a value that is lower than the fastest switching period.


The lastReverseRecoveryLoss variable in the logged simulation data includes the reverse recovery losses as a pulse with an amplitude equal to the energy loss. If you use a script to sum the total losses over a defined simulation period, you must sum the pulse values at each pulse rising edge. Alternatively, you can extract conduction and switching losses from logged data using the ee_getPowerLossSummary and ee_getPowerLossTimeSeries functions. To learn how to log and plot simulation data, see the Log and Plot Simulation Data example.

The power_dissipated variable in the logged simulation data does not include switching losses because the block models the losses as instantaneous events. The power_dissipated variable reports ohmic on-state losses.


To model a fault in the Diode block, in the Faults section, click the Add fault hyperlink next to the fault that you want to model. In the Add Fault window, specify the fault properties. For more information about fault modeling, see Fault Behavior Modeling and Fault Triggering.

The Diode block allows you to model three types of faults:

  • Open — Once the fault is triggered, the series resistance increases instantaneously. You can use this type of fault to model a diode that fails due to metallization burnout.

  • Short — Once the fault is triggered, the parallel conductance increases instantaneously. You can use this option to model a diode that fails due to punch-through.

  • Parameter shift — The block parameters shift over time starting from the moment that the fault is triggered. You can use this option to model a diode that fails due to aging.

The block can trigger fault events:

  • At a specific time.

  • When a current limit, a voltage limit, or a temperature limit are exceeded for longer than a specific time interval.

If you want to trigger a fault at a specific time, in the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger type to Timed. If you want to determine whether a system fails and, if so, when it fails, in the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger type to Behavioral.

If you select the behavioral trigger, the component fails as soon as one of the trigger conditions is true.

Parameter Shift Fault

If, in the Faults settings, you set the Failure mode parameter to Parameter shift, the diode fails due to the aging of its components. This equation defines the value of the shifted parameters:


where tth is the time threshold when the fault is triggered and τ is the value of the Fault transition time constant parameter.

Modeling Thermal Effects

You can expose the thermal port to model the effects of generated heat and device temperature. To expose the thermal port, set the Modeling option parameter to either:

  • No thermal port — The block does not contain a thermal port and does not simulate heat generation in the device.

  • Show thermal port — The block contains a thermal port that allows you to model the heat that conduction losses generate. For numerical efficiency, the thermal state does not affect the electrical behavior of the block.

For more information on using thermal ports and on the Thermal Port parameters, see Simulating Thermal Effects in Semiconductors.

Modeling a Zener Diode

Since R2023b

To model a Zener diode that conducts in the forward and reverse biased directions, select the Model Zener diode parameter and specify a finite value for the Reverse breakdown voltage parameter.

When you select this option, you can model the reverse I-V characteristics for the Diode block by specifying the new Reverse voltages, Vr(Tj,Ir), Reverse currents, Ir(Tj,Vr), Reverse voltages, Vr and Reverse currents, Ir parameters. (since R2024a)

The Diode block icon depends on whether you model a Zener diode and whether you expose the thermal port. For more information about exposing the thermal port, see Modeling Thermal Effects.

Modeling option Parameter ValueModel a Zener diode Parameter ValueBlock Icon
No thermal portOff


Show thermal portOff



Since R2023b

The Diode block supports multiple predefined parameterizations.

Use this parameterization data to replicate the V-I curve for forward voltage from datasheets of specific suppliers. To load a predefined parameterization, double-click the Diode block, click the <click to select> hyperlink of the Selected part parameter, and, in the Block Parameterization Manager window, select the part you want to use from the list of available components.


The predefined parameterizations of Simscape components use available data sources for the parameter values. Engineering judgement and simplifying assumptions are used to fill in for missing data. As a result, expect deviations between simulated and actual physical behavior. To ensure accuracy, validate the simulated behavior against experimental data and refine component models as necessary.

For more information about predefined parameterization and a list of the available components, see List of Pre-Parameterized Components.

You can also use the ee_importDeviceParameters function to extract the device parameters from an XML file and import them into the block. The XML file must be on the MATLAB® path and must use a parameterization format supported by Hitachi or Infineon®.


To set the priority and initial target values for the block variables before simulation, use the Initial Targets section in the block dialog box or Property Inspector. For more information, see Set Priority and Initial Target for Block Variables.


To satisfy all your initial targets, do not set the priority to High for more initial targets than the total number of differential variables in the block equations.

  • If in the Capacitance section, you set Parameterization to Fixed or zero junction capacitance and Junction capacitance to 0, the total number of differential variables in the block equations is zero. Do not set the priority of any variables in the Initial Targets section to High.

  • If in the Capacitance section, you set Parameterization to Fixed or zero junction capacitance and you set the Junction capacitance parameter to a nonzero value, the total number of differential variables in the block equations is one. Set the priority to High for no more than one variable in the Initial Targets section.

  • If in the Capacitance section, you set Parameterization to Use C-V curve data points or Use parameters Cj0, VJ, M & FC, the total number of differential variables in the block equations is one. Set the priority to High for no more than one variable in the Initial Targets section.

Use nominal values to specify the expected magnitude of a variable in a model. Using system scaling based on nominal values increases the simulation robustness. Nominal values can come from different sources. One of these sources is the Nominal Values section in the block dialog box or Property Inspector. For more information, see System Scaling by Nominal Values.

Plot Basic I-V Characteristics

You can plot the basic I-V characteristics of the Diode block without building a complete model. Use the plots to explore the impact of your parameter choices on device characteristics. If you parameterize the block from a datasheet, you can compare your plots to the datasheet to check that you parameterized the block correctly. If you have a complete working model but do not know which manufactured part to use, you can compare your plots to datasheets to help you decide.

To enable this option, set the Modeling option parameter of the Diode block to No thermal port. To plot the basic characteristics, right-click the block and select Electrical > Basic characteristics from the context menu. For more information about the Basic characteristics option, see Plot Basic I-V Characteristics of Semiconductor Blocks.


Assumptions and Limitations

  • When you select Use two I-V curve data points for the Parameterization parameter, choose a pair of voltages near the diode turn-on voltage. Typically, this is in the range from 0.05 to 1 V. Using values outside of this region may lead to numerical issues and poor estimates for IS and N.

  • The block does not account for temperature-dependent effects on the junction capacitance.

  • You might need to use nonzero ohmic resistance and junction capacitance values to prevent numerical simulation issues, but the simulation may run faster with these values set to zero.

  • You cannot use the Tabulated I-V curve parameterization to model the reverse breakdown.

  • If the value you specify for the Off state conductance parameter (Goff) is greater than the value of the on-state forward conductance for small forward voltages (gOnMin) that the block derives during the simulation, then the block uses the value of gOnMin to compute the reverse I-V characteristics of the diode instead of the value of the Off state conductance parameter. This assumption also applies to the faulted scenario.



expand all

Electrical conserving port associated with the anode.

Electrical conserving port associated with the cathode.

Thermal conserving port.


To enable this port, set Modeling option to Show thermal port.


expand all

Whether to enable the thermal port of the block and model the effects of generated heat and device temperature.

Option to parameterize the block to represent components by specific suppliers. Click the <click to select> hyperlink to open the Block Parameterization Manager window. For more information about the Block Parameterization Manager, see Load Predefined Parameterizations.


Level of detail of the dynamics model of the diode. If you select Ideal switching, the block only models the reverse recovery losses. If you select Include capacitance and charge dynamics, the block models both junction capacitance and charge dynamics.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Show thermal port.

Select one of these diode models:

  • Piecewise Linear — Use a piecewise linear model for the diode, as described in Piecewise Linear Diode. This is the default method.

  • Exponential — Use a standard exponential model for the diode, as described in Exponential Diode.

  • Tabulated I-V curve — Use tabulated forward bias I-V data plus fixed reverse bias off conductance, as described in Tabulated Diode.

Whether to tabulate the current as a function of temperature and voltage or the voltage as a function of temperature and current.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

Minimum voltage that needs to be applied for the diode to become forward-biased.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Piecewise linear.

Resistance of the diode when it is forward biased.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Piecewise linear.

Conductance of the diode when it is reverse biased. The block uses this value to determine the reverse I-V characteristics when the Model Zener diode parameter is cleared.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Piecewise linear or Tabulated I-V curve.

Select one of the following methods for model parameterization:

  • Use two I-V curve data points — Specify measured data at two points on the diode I-V curve. This is the default method.

  • Use parameters IS and N — Specify saturation current and emission coefficient.

  • Use an I-V data point and IS — Specify measured data at a single point on the diode I-V curve in combination with the saturation current.

  • Use an I-V data point and N — Specify measured data at a single point on the diode I-V curve in combination with the emission coefficient.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Exponential.

Vector of the current values at the two points on the diode I-V curve that the block uses to calculate IS and N.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Exponential and Parameterization to Use two I-V curve data points.

Vector of the voltage values at the two points on the diode I-V curve that the block uses to calculate IS and N.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Exponential and Parameterization to Use two I-V curve data points.

Magnitude of the current that the ideal diode equation approaches asymptotically for very large reverse bias levels.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Exponential and Parameterization to Use parameters IS and N or Use an I-V data point and IS.

Diode emission coefficient or ideality factor.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Exponential and Parameterization to Use parameters IS and N or Use an I-V data point and N.

Current value at the point on the diode I-V curve that the block uses for calculations. Depending on the Parameterization value, the block uses this parameter to calculate either N or IS.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Exponential and Parameterization to Use an I-V data point and IS or Use an I-V data point and N.

Voltage value at the point on the diode I-V curve that the block uses for calculations.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Exponential and Parameterization to Use an I-V data point and IS or Use an I-V data point and N.

Series diode connection resistance.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Exponential.

Temperature Tm1 at which IS or the I-V curve was measured.

Forward currents. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (If(Tj,Vf) = 0A).


To enable this parameter, set Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form.

Forward voltages. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vf(Tj,If) = 0V).


To enable this parameter, set Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form.

Vector of junction temperatures.

If the size of the vector is equal to 1, the diode characteristics does not depend on the temperature.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

Vector of forward voltages. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vf = 0V).


To enable this parameter, set Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form.

Vector of forward currents. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (If = 0A).


To enable this parameter, set Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form.

Since R2024a

Reverse currents. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Ir(Tj,Vr) = 0A).


To enable this parameter, set Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form and select the Model Zener diode parameter.

Since R2024a

Vector of reverse voltages. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vr = 0V).


To enable this parameter, set Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form and select the Model Zener diode parameter.

Since R2024a

Reverse voltages. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vr(Tj,Ir) = 0V).


To enable this parameter, set Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form and select the Model Zener diode parameter.

Since R2024a

Vector of reverse currents. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Ir = 0A).


To enable this parameter, set Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form and select the Model Zener diode parameter.

Number of diodes connected in series between the + and block ports. Multiple diodes are not modeled. Rather, each diode has all voltage-related quantities scaled by the factor that you specify.

Number of parallel diodes, or number of parallel paths formed by series-connected diodes, between the + and block ports. Multiple diodes are not modeled. Rather, each diode has all current-related quantities scaled by the factor that you specify.

Since R2023b

Option to model a Zener diode.

Select this parameter to model a Zener diode that conducts in the forward and reverse biased directions. The block icon shows the electronic symbol for a Zener diode and you enable the parameters in the Breakdown tab. You must specify a finite value for the Reverse breakdown voltage parameter.

When you select this option, you can model the reverse I-V characteristics for the Diode block by specifying the new Reverse voltages, Vr(Tj,Ir), Reverse currents, Ir(Tj,Vr), Reverse voltages, Vr and Reverse currents, Ir parameters. (since R2024a)

Clear this parameter to model a standard diode that conducts in a single direction only. The block assumes that the reverse breakdown voltage is infinite, which effectively omits reverse breakdown from the model. The block icon shows the electronic symbol for a standard diode.


To enable these parameters, select the Model Zener diode parameter.

Resistance of the diode when the voltage is less than the Reverse breakdown voltage value.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Piecewise linear.

Reverse voltage below which to model the rapid increase in conductance that occurs at diode breakdown.


To enable this parameter, set Diode model to Piecewise linear or Exponential.


To enable these parameters, either set Modeling option to No thermal port or Fidelity level to Include capacitance and charge dynamics.

Method for modeling the junction capacitance:

  • Fixed or zero junction capacitance — Model the junction capacitance as a fixed value.

  • Use C-V curve data points — Specify measured data at three points on the diode C-V curve.

  • Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC — Specify zero-bias junction capacitance, junction potential, grading coefficient, and forward-bias depletion capacitance coefficient.

Fixed junction capacitance value.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Fixed or zero junction capacitance.

Vector of the reverse bias voltage values at the three points on the diode C-V curve that the block uses to calculate CJ0, VJ, and M.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use C-V curve data points.

Vector of the capacitance values at the three points on the diode C-V curve that the block uses to calculate CJ0, VJ, and M.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use C-V curve data points.

Value of the capacitance placed in parallel with the conduction current term.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC.

The junction potential.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC.

Grading coefficient.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC.

Fitting coefficient that quantifies the decrease of the depletion capacitance with applied voltage.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use parameters CJ0, VJ, M & FC.

Select one of the following methods for charge dynamics parameterization:

  • Do not model charge dynamics — Do not include charge dynamics modeling. This is the default method.

  • Use peak reverse current and stretch factor — Model charge dynamics by providing values for peak reverse current iRM and stretch factor λ plus information on the initial forward current and rate of change of current used in the test circuit when measuring iRM and trr.

  • Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery time — Model charge dynamics by providing values for peak reverse current iRM and reverse recovery time trr plus information on the initial forward current and rate of change of current used in the test circuit when measuring iRM and trr. Use this option if the manufacturer datasheet does not provide values for transit time TT and carrier lifetime τ.

  • Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery charge — Model charge dynamics by providing values for peak reverse current iRM and reverse recovery charge Qrr plus information on the initial forward current and rate of change of current used in the test circuit when measuring iRM and trr.

  • Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery energy — Model charge dynamics by providing values for peak reverse current iRM and reverse recovery energy Erec plus information on the initial forward current and rate of change of current used in the test circuit when measuring iRM.

  • Use transit time and carrier lifetime — Model charge dynamics by providing values for transit time TT and carrier lifetime τ.

Peak reverse current measured by an external test circuit. This value must be less than zero.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use peak reverse current and stretch factor, Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery time, Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery charge, or Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery energy.

Initial forward current when measuring peak reverse current. This value must be greater than zero.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use peak reverse current and stretch factor, Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery time, Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery charge, or Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery energy.

Rate of change of current when measuring peak reverse current. This value must be less than zero.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use peak reverse current and stretch factor, Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery time, Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery charge, or Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery energy.

Value that the block uses to calculate Reverse recovery time, trr. This value must be greater than 1. The default value is 3.

Specifying the stretch factor is an easier way to parameterize the reverse recovery time than specifying the reverse recovery charge. The larger the value of the stretch factor, the longer it takes for the reverse recovery current to dissipate.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use peak reverse current and stretch factor.

Time between the point where the current initially goes to zero when the diode turns off, and the point where the current falls to less than ten percent of the peak reverse current. The default value is 115 ns.

The value of the Reverse recovery time, trr parameter must be greater than the value of the Peak reverse current, iRM parameter divided by the value of the Rate of change of current when measuring iRM parameter.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery time.

Value that the block uses to calculate Reverse recovery time, trr. Use this parameter if the data sheet for your diode device specifies a value for the reverse recovery charge instead of a value for the reverse recovery time.

The reverse recovery charge is the total charge that continues to dissipate when the diode turns off. The value must be less than i2RM2a,


  • iRM is the value specified for Peak reverse current, iRM.

  • a is the value specified for Rate of change of current when measuring iRM.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery charge.

Voltage between the diode in steady-state.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery energy.

Total unintended inductance in the measurement circuit. The block uses this value to calculate Reverse recovery energy, Erec.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery energy.

Total switching losses due to the diode reverse recovery.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use peak reverse current and reverse recovery energy.

Measure of how long it takes carriers to cross the diode junction.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use transit time and carrier lifetime.

Measure of how long it takes for the carriers to dissipate once the diode is no longer conducting. The default value is 100 ns.


To enable this parameter, set Charge dynamics to Use transit time and carrier lifetime.

Reverse Recovery Loss

To enable these parameters, set Modeling option to Show thermal port and Fidelity level to Ideal switching.

Whether to model fixed or tabulated reverse recovery losses.

Dissipated energy in each turn-off event, regardless of the state of the diode before or after the switching event.


To enable this parameter, set Reverse recovery loss model to Fixed loss.

Since R2023b

Option to scale reverse recovery loss with current and voltage.


To enable this parameter, set Reverse recovery loss model to Fixed loss.

Since R2023b

Forward current through the diode before the reverse recovery event that the block uses to measure recovery loss.


To enable this parameter, set Reverse recovery loss model to Fixed loss and select the Scale reverse recovery loss with current and voltage parameter.

Voltage across the diode after the reverse recovery event used to measure recovery loss.


To enable this parameter, choose from one of these options:

  • Set Reverse recovery loss model to Fixed loss and select the Scale reverse recovery loss with current and voltage parameter.

  • Set the Reverse recovery loss model parameter to Tabulated loss.

Filter time constant for voltage and current values used to calculate reverse recovery loss. Set this parameter to a value that is lower than the fastest switching period.


To enable this parameter, choose from one of these options:

  • Set Reverse recovery loss model to Fixed loss and select the Scale reverse recovery loss with current and voltage parameter.

  • Set the Reverse recovery loss model parameter to Tabulated loss.

Dissipated energy as a function of the forward current If just before the switching event, and final off-state voltage once the diode is in off state.


To enable this parameter, set Reverse recovery loss model to Tabulated loss.

Temperature vector used to tabulate reverse recovery loss.


To enable this parameter, set Reverse recovery loss model to Tabulated loss.

Forward current vector used to tabulate reverse recovery loss.


To enable this parameter, set Reverse recovery loss model to Tabulated loss.

Temperature Dependence

This section is applicable to Exponential and Tabulated I-V curve diode models only.

This table shows how the visibility of Temperature Dependence setting depends on how you configure the Diode model parameter in the Main setting and whether you expose the thermal port. To learn how to read this table, see Parameter Dependencies

Visibility of the Temperature Dependence Setting

Parameters, options, and visibility of the setting
Diode model
Piecewise linearExponentialTabulated I-V curve
Thermal PortThermal PortThermal Port
Not exposedExposedNot exposedExposedNot exposedExposed

Select one of the following methods for temperature dependence parameterization:

  • None - Use characteristics at parameter measurement temperature — Temperature dependence is not modeled, or the model is simulated at the measurement temperature Tm1 (as specified by the Measurement temperature parameter on the Main tab). This is the default method.

  • Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature T2 — If you select this option, you specify a second measurement temperature Tm2, and the current and voltage values at this temperature. The model uses these values, along with the parameter values at the first measurement temperature Tm1, to calculate the energy gap value.

  • Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature T2 — If you select this option, you specify a second measurement temperature Tm2, and saturation current value at this temperature. The model uses these values, along with the parameter values at the first measurement temperature Tm1, to calculate the energy gap value.

  • Specify the energy gap EG — Specify the energy gap value directly.

Specify the diode current I1 value when the voltage is V1 at the second measurement temperature.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature.

Specify the diode voltage V1 value when the current is I1 at the second measurement temperature.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature.

Specify the saturation current IS value at the second measurement temperature.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature.

Specify the value for the second measurement temperature.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature or Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature.

Select a value for the energy gap from a list of predetermined options, or specify a custom value:

  • Use nominal value for silicon (EG=1.11eV) — This is the default.

  • Use nominal value for 4H-SiC silicon carbide (EG=3.23eV)

  • Use nominal value for 6H-SiC silicon carbide (EG=3.00eV)

  • Use nominal value for germanium (EG=0.67eV)

  • Use nominal value for gallium arsenide (EG=1.43eV)

  • Use nominal value for selenium (EG=1.74eV)

  • Use nominal value for Schottky barrier diodes (EG=0.69eV)

  • Specify a custom value — If you select this option, the Energy gap, EG parameter appears in the dialog box, to let you specify a custom value for EG.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Specify the energy gap EG.

Specify a custom value for the energy gap, EG.


To enable this parameter, set Energy gap parameterization to Specify a custom value.

Select one of the following options to specify the saturation current temperature exponent value:

  • Use nominal value for pn-junction diode (XTI=3) — This is the default.

  • Use nominal value for Schottky barrier diode (XTI=2)

  • Specify a custom value — If you select this option, the Saturation current temperature exponent, XTI parameter appears in the dialog box, to let you specify a custom value for XTI.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature, Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature, or Specify the energy gap, EG.

Specify a custom value for the saturation current temperature exponent, XTI.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature, Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature, or Specify the energy gap, EG and Saturation current temperature exponent parameterization to Specify a custom value.

Modulate the reverse breakdown voltage BV. If you define the reverse breakdown voltage BV as a positive quantity, a positive value for TCV implies that the magnitude of the reverse breakdown voltage decreases with temperature.


To enable this parameter, select the Model Zener diode parameter and set Parameterization to Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature, Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature, or Specify the energy gap, EG.

Specify the value for the temperature Ts, at which the device is to be simulated.


To enable this parameter, set Parameterization to Use an I-V data point at second measurement temperature, Specify saturation current at second measurement temperature, or Specify the energy gap, EG.


Option to model a fault in the Diode block.

To add a fault, click the Add fault hyperlink.

Specify the failure mode of the Diode block:

  • Open — Once the fault is triggered, the series resistance increases instantaneously. You can use this type of fault to model a diode that fails due to metallization burnout.

  • Short — Once the fault is triggered, the parallel conductance increases instantaneously. You can use this option to model a diode that fails due to punch-through.

  • Parameter shift — The block parameters change over time starting from the moment that the fault is triggered. You can use this option to model a diode that fails due to aging.


To enable this parameter, add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Time constant for transitioning to faulted state.


To enable this parameter, add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Series resistance in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Failure mode to Open.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Parallel conductance in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Failure mode to Short.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Forward voltage in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Piecewise linear.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

On resistance in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Piecewise linear.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Off conductance in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Piecewise linear.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Off conductance in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Piecewise linear.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Reverse breakdown voltage in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Piecewise linear.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

I1 and I2 currents in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Exponential.

  • Set Parameterization to Use two I-V curve data points.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

V1 and V2 voltages in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Exponential.

  • Set Parameterization to Use two I-V curve data points.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Ohmic resistance in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Exponential.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Saturation current in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Exponential.

  • Set Parameterization to Use parameters IS and N or Use an I-V data point and IS.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Emission coefficient in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Exponential.

  • Set Parameterization to Use parameters IS and N or Use an I-V data point and N.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Current in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Exponential.

  • Set Parameterization to Use an I-V data point and IS or Use an I-V data point and N.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Voltage in faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Exponential.

  • Set Parameterization to Use an I-V data point and IS or Use an I-V data point and N.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Forward currents, If(Tj,Vf), in faulted state. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Ir(Tj,Vr) = 0A).


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

  • Set Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Forward voltages, Vf, in faulted state. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vf = 0V).


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

  • Set Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Since R2024a

Reverse currents, Ir(Tj,Vr), in faulted state. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Ir(Tj,Vr) = 0A).


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

  • Set Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form.

  • Select the Model Zener diode parameter.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Since R2024a

Reverse voltages, Vr, in faulted state. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vr = 0V).


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

  • Set Table type to Table in If(Tj,Vf) form.

  • Select the Model Zener diode parameter.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Forward voltages, Vf(Tj,If), in faulted state. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vf(Tj,If) = 0V).


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

  • Set Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Forward currents, If, in faulted state. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (If = 0A).


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

  • Set Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Since R2024a

Reverse voltages, Vr(Tj,Ir), in faulted state. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Vr(Tj,ir) = 0V).


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

  • Set Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form.

  • Select the Model Zener diode parameter.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Since R2024a

Reverse currents, Vr, in faulted state. This parameter must be a vector of at least three nonnegative elements in ascending order. The zero point is optional (Ir = 0A).


To enable this parameter:

  • Add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

  • Set Diode model to Tabulated I-V curve.

  • Set Table type to Table in Vf(Tj,If) form.

  • Select the Model Zener diode parameter.

  • Set Failure mode to Parameter shift.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Capacitance and charge in faulted state as percentage of unfaulted.


To enable this parameter, add a fault to the Diode block by clicking the Add fault hyperlink in the Diode fault parameter.

After you create the fault, you can change the properties in the Fault Inspector window. When you open a block that has a fault, the Open Fault Inspector hyperlink appears instead of the Add fault hyperlink. For an example that shows how to include faults, see Analyze a DC Armature Winding Fault.

Simulation time at which the block enters the faulted state.


To enable this parameter, in the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger Type to Timed.

This parameter appears in the Trigger section of the Fault Inspector window. For more information, see Set Fault Triggers.

Maximum reverse voltage above which a fault may be triggered.


To enable this parameter, in the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger Type to Behavioral.

This parameter appears in the Trigger section of the Fault Inspector window. For more information, see Set Fault Triggers.

Number of times the diode must exceed the reverse voltage threshold before a fault is triggered.


To enable this parameter, in the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger Type to Behavioral.

This parameter appears in the Trigger section of the Fault Inspector window. For more information, see Set Fault Triggers.

Current threshold to a fault transition. If the current exceeds this value for longer than the Time to fail when exceeding current parameter value, then the block enters the faulted state.


To enable this parameter, in the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger Type to Behavioral.

This parameter appears in the Trigger section of the Fault Inspector window. For more information, see Set Fault Triggers.

Maximum length of time that the current can exceed the maximum permissible value without triggering the fault.


To enable this parameter, in the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger Type to Behavioral.

This parameter appears in the Trigger section of the Fault Inspector window. For more information, see Set Fault Triggers.

Maximum diode recovery.


To enable this parameter, in the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger Type to Behavioral.

This parameter appears in the Trigger section of the Fault Inspector window. For more information, see Set Fault Triggers.

Maximum permissible temperature value. If the temperature exceeds this value for longer than the value of the Time to fail when exceeding temperature parameter, then the block enters the faulted state.


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger Type to Behavioral.

  • Set Diode model to Piecewise Linear.

This parameter appears in the Trigger section of the Fault Inspector window.

Amount of time that the temperature must continuously exceed the maximum permissible temperature before a behavioral fault is triggered.


To enable this parameter:

  • In the Fault Inspector window, set Trigger Type to Behavioral.

  • Set Diode model to Piecewise Linear.

This parameter appears in the Trigger section of the Fault Inspector window.

Thermal Port

To enable these parameters, set Modeling option to Show thermal port.

Options for modeling the thermal network of the block.

Options to parameterize the thermal mass:

  • By thermal time constants — Parameterize the thermal masses in terms of thermal time constants.

  • By thermal mass — Specify the thermal mass values directly.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters, Cauer model, or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients.

Row vector [ R_JC R_CA ] of two thermal resistance values, represented by two Conductive Heat Transfer blocks. The first value, R_JC, is the thermal resistance between the junction and the case. The second value, R_CA, is the thermal resistance between port H and the device case.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters.

Row vector [ t_J t_C ] of two thermal time constant values. The first value, t_J, is the junction time constant. The second value, t_C, is the case time constant.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters and Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal time constants.

Row vector [ M_J M_C ] of two thermal mass values. The first value, M_J, is the junction thermal mass. The second value, M_C, is the case thermal mass.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters and Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal mass.

Row vector [ T_J T_C ] of two temperature values. The first value, T_J, is the junction initial temperature. The second value, T_C, is the case initial temperature.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Specify junction and case thermal parameters.

Row vector of n thermal resistance values, represented by the Cauer elements used in the thermal network.

If you set Thermal network to Cauer model, the default value is [1, 3, 10]. If you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients, the default value is [4, 6].


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients.

Row vector of n thermal mass values, where n is the number of Cauer elements used in the thermal network.

If you set Thermal network to Cauer model, the default value is [.1, .3, 1]. If you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients, the default value is [1.5, 3].


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients and Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal mass.

Row vector of temperature values that corresponds to the temperature drop across each thermal capacity in the model.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model.

Row vector of n thermal time constant values, where n is the number of Cauer elements used in the thermal network. The length of this vector must match the length of Thermal resistances, [R1 R2 … Rn]. With this parameterization, the thermal masses are computed as Mi = ti/Ri, where Mi, ti and Ri are the thermal mass, thermal time, and thermal resistance for the ith Cauer element (if you set Thermal network to Cauer model) or Foster element (if you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients).

If you set Thermal network to Cauer model, the default value is [1, 3, 10]. If you set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients, the default value is [6, 18].


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model or Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficientsand Thermal mass parameterization to By thermal time constants.

Row vector of absolute temperature values of each node starting from the junction.


To enable this parameter, set Thermal network to Cauer model parameterized with Foster coefficients.

Thermal mass of the junction.


To enable this parameter, set Fidelity level to Ideal switching and Thermal network to External.

For more information about using thermal ports and the Thermal Port parameters, see Simulating Thermal Effects in Semiconductors.


[1] MH. Ahmed and P.J. Spreadbury. Analogue and digital electronics for engineers. 2nd Edition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

[2] G. Massobrio and P. Antognetti. Semiconductor Device Modeling with SPICE. 2nd Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.

[3] Lauritzen, P.O. and C.L. Ma. “A Simple Diode Model with Reverse Recovery.” IEEE® Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol. 6, No. 2, April 1991, pp. 188–191.

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C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2008a

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