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Return next element in fragment

Since R2024a


    element = next(iterator) returns the next element in the fragment and increments the iterator.



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    You can use read-only API workflows to navigate sequence diagrams in System Composer™ and display information about each element.

    Open Traffic Light Example

    Open the traffic light example architecture model so that you can inspect the sequence diagrams visually and confirm the programmatic outputs.

    model = systemcomposer.openModel("TLExample");

    To view the sequence diagrams associated with the model, on the System Composer toolstrip, navigate to Modeling > Sequence Diagram.

    The press detection sequence diagram in the views gallery of the top model.

    Programmatically Navigate Sequence Diagram

    Collect the sequence diagrams represented by interactions that contain specific interactions of elements in the model.

    interactions = model.getInteractions;

    For the first interaction, extract the name of the sequence diagram.

    disp("The first sequence diagram is called " + interactions(1).Name + ".")
    The first sequence diagram is called Inhibit.

    For this sequence diagram, display each lifeline and the component the lifeline represents.

    for i = 1:length(interactions(1).Lifelines)
        disp("The " + interactions(1).Lifelines(i).Name + ...
        " lifeline represents the " + ...
        interactions(1).Lifelines(i).RelatedElements.Name + ...
        " component.")
    The source lifeline represents the source component.
    The poller lifeline represents the poller component.
    The switch lifeline represents the switch component.
    The controller lifeline represents the controller component.
    The lampController lifeline represents the lampController component.

    Display the contents of one message in the root fragment.

    disp("The sequence diagram message starting at the " + ...
        interactions(1).RootFragment.Operands.Fragments(1).Name + ...
        " message end is of type " + ...
        string(interactions(1).RootFragment.Operands.Fragments(1).Message.Type) + ...
        " and the message label is " + ...
        interactions(1).RootFragment.Operands.Fragments(1).Message.Condition + ".")
    The sequence diagram message starting at the switchout message end is of type Signal and the message label is rising(sw-1){sw==1}.

    Use Iterator Utility to Step Through Sequence Diagram

    Step through the Inhibit sequence diagram using the Iterator utility.

    interaction = model.getInteraction('Inhibit');

    Inhibit sequence diagram from the top model.

    Display the annotation from the interaction.

    When inhibit is true, it means pedestrian crossing is not controlled by a walk signal on this intersection.

    Use an iterator to navigate through all elements of a sequence diagram before extracting their properties.

    iterator = systemcomposer.interaction.Iterator(interaction.RootFragment);
    next =;
    while ~isempty(next)
        next =;

    Input Arguments

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    Iterator, specified as a systemcomposer.interaction.Iterator object.

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    More About

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    TermDefinitionApplicationMore Information
    sequence diagram

    A sequence diagram represents the expected interaction between structural elements of an architecture as a sequence of message exchanges.

    Use sequence diagrams to describe how the parts of a system interact.

    Describe System Behavior Using Sequence Diagrams

    A lifeline is represented by a head and a timeline that proceeds down a vertical dotted line.

    The head of a lifeline represents a component in an architecture model.

    Add Lifelines and Messages

    A message sends information from one lifeline to another. Messages are specified with a message label.

    A message label has a trigger, an optional guard, and an optional constraint where a trigger represents the identifying event for this message, a guard represents an additional condition to determine whether the message occurs, and a constraint is an expression that is expected to be true when this message occurs.

    Create Messages in Sequence Diagram

    A gate represents the root architecture of the corresponding architecture model.

    Connect messages to gates to represent architecture ports.

    Create Sequence Diagram Gates

    An annotation describes the elements of a sequence diagram.

    Use annotations to provide detailed explanations of elements or workflows captured by sequence diagrams.

    Use Annotations to Describe Elements of Sequence Diagram

    A fragment indicates how a group of messages execute or interact.

    A fragment is used to model complex sequences, such as alternatives, in a sequence diagram.

    Author Sequence Diagram Fragments

    An operand is a region in a fragment. Fragments have one or more operands depending on the kind of fragment. Operands can contain messages and additional fragments.

    Each operand can include a constraint to specify whether the messages inside the operand execute. You can express the precondition of an operand as a MATLAB® Boolean expression using the input signal of a lifeline.

    Add Fragments and Operands

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a